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And it was also supposed to be completely destroyed, was it not?


Not that i know of. Its where most of the Dunmer ran after Red Mountain, and the Argonians. Raven Rock is probably a major port city now...


Yep :) Should have checked before I posted.

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The only problem with Solstheim is that it's really (environmentally anyway) just more Skyrim...

And it was also supposed to be completely destroyed, was it not?


I thought it held dunmer remnants and nords who are not too happy about it.


Where did you hear that solstheim was destroyed?


That was my mistake. corrected. The idea of going back to Solstheim isn't that exciting to me. More snow... Mournhold, however, would also be a smaller project to start with but much more interesting (for me personally).

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That was my mistake. corrected. The idea of going back to Solstheim isn't that exciting to me. More snow... Mournhold, however, would also be a smaller project to start with but much more interesting (for me personally).


That might be doable, an Argonian occupied Mournhold. But what conflict is there? Solstheim has Dunmer and Nords, both potentially hostile, a big clash waiting to happen.


But what does Mournhold have? All Dunmer deliquents would have been killed by now, and those who remain (if any remain) would have submitted to argonian order, no? Is there anything on what happened to the Hands of Almalexia? Did they quit, went insane? All lichs and blights and dwemer machinery in Mournhold has been eradicated.


But making Mournhold sounds like a much better idea, though one would need a dedicated artist who makes all the meshes and textures, since you can't recreate it with only Skyrim resources. It has a very unique style.

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A lot of the lore states that Vvardenfell was destroyed when the Red Mountain erupted, but that conflicts with the fact that Bethesda put its heightmap (most of it, anyways) in the game. Also, it stands to reason that any eruption of that magnitude would have wiped out all life on Nirn, but we'll put that little detail aside for now...
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A lot of the lore states that Vvardenfell was destroyed when the Red Mountain erupted, but that conflicts with the fact that Bethesda put its heightmap (most of it, anyways) in the game. Also, it stands to reason that any eruption of that magnitude would have wiped out all life on Nirn, but we'll put that little detail aside for now...


Just because they put a heightmap in doesn't mean it isn't destroyed, the heightmap that was put in around was intended to be a higher quality visual from the highest points and borders in Skyrim. There's a HM but there's no close LOD for any of it.


Also... Destroyed doesn't have to mean it's all sunk beneath a sea and no longer visible, it would more likely imply devastation and inhospitable conditions.

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Don't forget that Bethesda doesn't respect their own lore, as it was the case in Oblivion, so we too can be "creative".


For example, we could simply ignore Oblivion and Skyrim and work with Morrowind's lore. In the game Morrowind, legionaires talked about unrest in Cyrodiil and that they probably have to retreat in order to defend their core province. Didn't Caius Cosades leave Balmore for some reason? Besides, the Nerevar could have influenced the history of Morrowind instead of going to the east which just sounds like a very cheap solution to get rid of him.

This mod could be a "what if" scenario in an alternate Elder Scrolls universe. Let's do it better than Bethesda!

I and many other Morrowind "fanboys" would definitely be happy to join our favorite Great House, to build our own stronghold, to explore Dwemer ruins, to plot against the Empire and the other houses and to demonstrate that some powerful Dunmers can easily stop a ridiculous invasion from the slaves (Argonians).


Why should we follow the lore if Bethesda ignores it too? With the Construction Kit, we can create alternatives.

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Even if Vvardenfell was completely cleared of all life from the eruption, the close vicinity to the mainland would allow the nearby creatures and plants to regrow back in vvardenfell creating a simular yet different recreation of the previous landscape. The mainland plants would survive because they have survived many ashstorms and can endure the ash falling over the ground. The cities would be buried underground and new ones would be in their place. The dwemer ruins would be buried even further with more areas caved in especially right after the ministry of truth fell. But the availability of Ebony would bring people back seeing an opportunity in trade. Dunmer looking to restore their homeland would return as well. The argonians would claim some of the southern mainland and some houses would live on. Solstheim would be the easist but most boring to make and play in, as it has most of what is in skyrim already: More nordic tombs with draugr, horkers, and a lot of snow. And if that becomes boring, than the rest of morrowind shouldn't be barren or else it will be boring also. We might want to create a new post though once we start making progress and post screenshots, although until the creation kit comes out we can only plan and debate lore. Edited by Iceflame542
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Don't forget that Bethesda doesn't respect their own lore, as it was the case in Oblivion, so we too can be "creative".


For example, we could simply ignore Oblivion and Skyrim and work with Morrowind's lore. In the game Morrowind, legionaires talked about unrest in Cyrodiil and that they probably have to retreat in order to defend their core province. Didn't Caius Cosades leave Balmore for some reason? Besides, the Nerevar could have influenced the history of Morrowind instead of going to the east which just sounds like a very cheap solution to get rid of him.

This mod could be a "what if" scenario in an alternate Elder Scrolls universe. Let's do it better than Bethesda!

I and many other Morrowind "fanboys" would definitely be happy to join our favorite Great House, to build our own stronghold, to explore Dwemer ruins, to plot against the Empire and the other houses and to demonstrate that some powerful Dunmers can easily stop a ridiculous invasion from the slaves (Argonians).


Why should we follow the lore if Bethesda ignores it too? With the Construction Kit, we can create alternatives.


Care to make actual citations on where Bethesda has ignored lore, rather than just filling in grey areas?

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