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The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition [PC] - bad as esxpected


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I already knew based on my previous experience with other game "remasters" that I shouldn't expect too much with this one...but overall it is much better than vanilla unmodded Skyrim. Just wait a little while, and most of the essential mods will get ported. Some have already been done, like SMIM. Also, the new CK isn't out yet, so for now it is better to just wait.

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Eh, not even half of the steam reviews are negative and metacritic has always been a spawnpool of fake and duplicated user reviews. I don't hold much high standards of quality reviews for it.


While it's true that releasing it for free for PC users is to get mods on consoles more quickly you're still getting a improved product for free, as for the higher requirements it's because it uses a upgraded engine with improved graphics. Sure right now people are reviewing it negatively but that's common for almost every Bethesda game, even skyrim was hit with a bunch of negative reviews shortly after the steam user review system was introduced. It's really nothing surprising. Moreso when you look at the hours played of many of the reviews, barely a few on the front page are even an hour of play time.


Honestly I think the biggest disgrace about SSE isn't even what the PC users are reviewing it as on steam, it's the price for consoles and new players. I don't see a reason for it to be that expensive, should've been like 30 bucks at most.

Edited by CiderMuffin
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has to be higher because of 3rd party aka M$ and Sony royalty costs. And then there is the distributor/retail component if not directly pre-loaded/downloaded online. So console gamers are always going to be screwed over.


Especially now that Bethesda has officially lost their minds in cutting Steam/Valve from the picture. And decidedly gone all EABorg-Originesque on their loyal fan base.

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A 64 bit engine means nothing with a maximum of 20 fps on low settings.


Free or no, the SE isn't even worth the hard drive space for me.

Huh - I got 100fps on ultra at 2560x1440 - had to slow it down actually and it's smooth as butter with 80 mods so far and locked at a steady 60fps.... regular skyrim, modded to hell with an ENB, runs at 20-50 and CTDs every now and then. Not a single CTD yet with SSE. I think if most of the "core mods" get ported this release with extend the life the game for everyone. Glass half full for me I guess.

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The USLEEP team has, over the past few years, developed fixes for hundreds (thousands ?) of bugs in the original Skyrim release. My question: Did Bethesda address any of these bugs in the special edition ? Or did they just release it as it was ?

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