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Jumping while Sprinting


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Something new I have noticed with SSE is the new sprint. It works like Fallout 4 no surprise where the sprint key is a toggle, not a press and hold to sprint. Cool, I like that, but I noticed that while sprinting, you cannot jump. Not sure how easy or complex it would be but I would love to be able to jump while sprinting.

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I'm pretty sure this is a limit of the engine and unfortunately can't be done.

I'm pretty sure this is bullshit and simply no one in the bethesda studios EVER thought about jumping while sprinting.

I still dont understand why they didn't ask the modding-community about what they should change.

Stupid bethesda. Stupid.

But I'd love a mod like this too <3

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Oldrim had the same trait, but the SKSE dependent mod Better Jumping included jumping with a sprint.


We need a bat file like the one I will attach which covers this. Bounder was a simple test of if the settings commands for SE were like Fallout 4. They were.


Just stick that bad boy in your main Skyrim folder and you will jump higher and be safe from falling damage for a long way. In return, I ask that someone find a SkyrimPrefs line to add to enable running while sprinting.

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