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Vigilants of Stendarr :Paladin Order


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Vigilance of Stendarr: Paladin Order <working title for now>


Rough overview: The Vigilants of Stendarr are an undefined, unjoinable faction in Skyrim. Their numbers are limited, their equipment subpar, their power weak at best, despite being up against unstoppable odds between evil Deadric Princes and their machinations, Necromancers creating an undead army, and any other evil abominations that they happen to come across. In the vanilla game they're generally weak and unintersting as nothing more than fodder for dragons if you come across any on the road.


This mod aims to change that. Making the faction joinable. But it goes beyond that. Join the Vigilants of Stendarr as a recruit into the Paladin order just as they start to make headway into Skyrim to become a beacon of hope in the troubled times between the coming of the Dragons, and the looming civil war. Their numbers are small, their funds limited, with barely any recruitment other than what other chapters in other provinces can provide. Where your every action changes the outcome of the group as a whole for better or for worse.


Got a Forum up and running for it to both organize things easier, and have it as a place for people wanting to help.

Mod Forums


Some of the features to be developed are currently:

- A long, dynamic storyline. Where decisions have a lasting impact on the story that's either as simple as changing a quest reward, to earning a follower, or change the personality of the group as a whole.

- New dungeons that are more than a linear walk from point A to point B. Some dungeons have several different routes to be more interesting and diverse with different and varied puzzles that are more than "rotate the stones in the correct order" sort.

-Voice acting for custom NPC's

-Custom books based on the lore of the Vigilants of Stendarr, and how they fit into the larger TES lore as well. Or, at least most attempts from a fanboys perspective.

- +4 New Armors

- +4 New Weapons

- Many new adventures and quests, some repeatable.

- Ability to become champions of the 8 Divines (9 Divines if your lucky) much like becoming a Deadric Princes champion. With less backstabbing and murder.

-Custom epic music for custom dungeons and events.

- Ability to recruit NPC's much like the Blades faction and open a chapter house of your own.

- Anger the right people, and they just might have to come hunting for you constantly.


Chapter 1: Recruitment and formation of Skyrim Chapter

First chapter is devoted to joining the faction, and performing menial tasks to become acquainted with them, learning the ropes, and proving yourself as a valuable asset.


Chapter 2: Rising Darkness

After proving yourself as a capable warrior and Paladin in training to the cause, your allowed fully in the ranks as a knight in training, and your true training begins. You'll start to learn the basics of working in a cohesive team, utilizing your fellow Knights in training to their fullest, clearing the surrounding area's and even learning about some of the tenants of the Divines by showing compassion. However, a looming threat starts to slowly make itself known.


Chapter 3: Unlikely Alliance

Once the growing threat starts to reveal itself a bit more, allies from unlikely sources start to show up to offer assistance. The real question is; Can they be trusted not to turn on you once their goals are achieved?


<more to come>


More chapters to come as I write them and flesh out the story more. Got a rough 6 chapter story written that could balloon to 8, but want to keep it between 6-8 where each chapter is a different rank in the Vigilants of Stendarr faction that opens up more followers, armor and weapon options, and repeatable quests with interesting features.


Not looking to make this a giant overhaul of core mechanics of the game or anything really. Actually intending it to be a big story based mod first and foremost. But if anyone had planned on expanding the Vigilants of Stendarr faction, I wouldn't mind at all working with people and getting something fun and interesting created that could even expand it from these core idea's. I know once I get the dialogue written up I'll be looking for voice actors.


Currently working on: Storyline about halfway done with written dialogue. Holidays are a pain for picking up a project.


Storyline Progress: 57%

Dialogue: 25%

<Will put up more progress as more things get done>


Mod Team Currently


Artistdude05 (Me) - Lead Writer



-Don't need anymore writers currently-


Ellderon - 3D Modeler/Scripter

Darthsloth74 - 3d Modeler/Texture artist

Modder3434 - Voice Actor/ Idea guy

Edited by Artistdude05
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Please make this. It doesn't have to be huge either just make the faction joinable first, through in some nice Paladin armour and a few small quests and make it bigger later. The Vigilant order was a complete missed opportunity in Skyrim so I'll be looking forward to this.
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Is what I planned on doing actually lol. I felt it was a missed opportunity too, specially since you don't really have a wholly good dedicated faction to join, and their lore basically is just "We're here as fodder for baddies you meet on the road". Very sad for something that could have been very interesting.
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Actually I know its slightly off topic but do you know if any proper symbols exist for the Nine Divines? I don't mean the diamond symbol either, the stuff on the amulets in Skyrim is quite difficult to interpret.


Back on topic If you want a couple of Stendarr specific robe textures for lay healers or Paladins send me a PM. There should be more monks and orders of the Nine Divines in Skyrim.

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I have my evil argonian assassin character and my good Imperial paladin, I've always wanted my Imperial to be able to join the ranks.. To me there doesn't seem like there is an all good faction.. Dark Brotherhood and Thieves guild, no way.. Companions are bloodthirsty werewolves, And the College Isn't really for him..
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I've been actively looking for a reasonable sized mod to team up with a few people with... I never released any mods, but I am very good with the GECK, it's likely the CK will be A LOT like the Geck, so I figure I got two feet on the ground at least. I could help if you would like an extra set of hands.


If you need voice actors, sign me up.


I'm not a professional, but my voice is fine over a mic and I'll do it.



Edited by bassist02324
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@Darthsloth: Not sure about the symbols themselves. I can look on the UESPwiki on each of the 9 divines and take a look and see and get back to you on that. As far as the robes and stuff, that would be awesome =). Would be neat to use something like that for less martial minded NPC's like healers and stuff.


@Newfall: Thanks very much! And since you want to see it done, and the response has been positive so far, I'm going to make sure I work doubly hard on getting it done.


@Sckylic: I know what you mean. Usually my first characters in games like Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout, ect are good guys who try to make people's lives a lot easier. Was sad that there were so many interesting rewards and factions devoted to murdering people, or backstabbing them, but not so many for good guys other than side quests that reward gold, or a Thane title.


@Bassist02324: Sounds good to me =). Would definitively be fun to do, and very helpful working with someone who's probably a lot more experienced with the CK than me lol (I mostly did small quest mods, map modifications, map creations, and other small stuff in Oblivion). Plus can always use more voice actors since I'm wantin to try to make the NPC's varied in their voices and add some personality to them.

Edited by Artistdude05
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Please do this, I'd love to see their faction expanded. I've always wanted to create a character for this faction but I feel it would be pretty boring and all, with nothing really to do.
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