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Former Jarl Hang-out?


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So here I was just roaming Skyrim getting all miscellaneous quests out of the way and for the last one -getting some bounty for slaying a giant from some steward- I had to go to the blue palace.

Entered blue palace, walked straight up the stairs and no dialogue option to claim my reward. Being confused and all, I decided to turn the quest marker on and it pointed me to the basement were I walked in on all the Jarls that got dethroned after I finished the Civil war quest siding with the Stormcloaks.


I was really a bit in shock. Got all this abuse thrown at me about how I was the cause of all their problems and then one off 'm wanted me to get him a drink?????


So this got me wondering... Is this part of some quest? Or even part of the storyline somewhere somehow? Or are these former Jarls just gonna sit there till they die nagging and bitching at the world?


All in all it was quit funny seeing 'm all sitting there feeling sorry for themselfs. :whistling:






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Looks like you found something like the companion storage room of hell,except for deposed jarls!

I guess they will sit there forever till a mod or DLC coaxes them out to either die as traitors to skyrim or help the empire reclaim it's rightfull place as skyrims ruler

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Yeah, im glad they are there, but at the same time I wish they were deposed and then they stay in a house in their own town. Because although still being around means you can still recieve and finish their quests, it makes the storyline a little wierd when they are in the wrong place.


For instance :


When uniting couples for the Temple of Mara quests, one of them brings you to Markarth to help out Calcemo, who is in love with Faleen. If you deliver his poem to Faleen, she says she likes him too. And if you return to calcemo after helping the stormcloaks in the region, he runs like a champion all the way to solitude, without resting or sleeping or eating. Now that's dedication lol.

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When uniting couples for the Temple of Mara quests, one of them brings you to Markarth to help out Calcemo, who is in love with Faleen. If you deliver his poem to Faleen, she says she likes him too. And if you return to calcemo after helping the stormcloaks in the region, he runs like a champion all the way to solitude, without resting or sleeping or eating. Now that's dedication lol.

Now thats just to funny whahahahaha... Can see him running now the old geezer lol...


Anyways... The feeling I got seeing 'm all sitting down in that basement together was that they seemed to be figuring a way out to get back at Ulfric and the Stormcloaks.

Basement, secret meeting, contemplating a coup, that sort of stuff...


Good stuff for a bit of DLC methinks....

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I just found this last night as I got a quest from the Alchemist at the Hags cure in Markath to Give to an ex-steward of an ex-Jarl. I went with the Stormcloaks so its all the imperial supporters in that basement under the Blue Palace. I did get a bit upset at some of the reactions though, I was quite fond of the daughter of the Jarl of Morthal Idgrod (Idgrod the younger is quite hot with the Bella Mod), anyho now she hates me.
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