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Archery deals crap damage.


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You're level 19. If you were supposed to be super awesome at level 19, then there would be a hard level cap like Fallout 3 and New Vegas. Your Archery is level 50 and ... you still have 50 levels of improvement to go. Dude, chill out. When you get to about level 30, or maybe 40, depending on how you're building your character, you're going to be amazed at how fast you'll be dunking fools. I don't use poisons, the only enchant I have ever put on a bow is lifesteal, and I just use whatever light armor I found that improved bow damage. I rape people... in an arrow-to-the-head-now-you're-dead type of way. Yes, I'm playing on medium (adept I think?), but the lessons still apply. I'm going to be starting a master run to see how much the game changes. I just assume that I'll have to be even more cautious.


Here, let me give you some tips to be a better archer:

  • If you can, always snipe your target from a position that is hard for them to get to. This helps avoid the "axe in the face" syndrome that hurts so much.
  • Take a shot, then sneak away so they don't find you. If you wanted to fight them in hand-to-hand you wouldn't be sneaking.
  • Be patient in your kills at low levels. Skyrim isn't a race. Learn to sneak slowly until you get your sneak to 70 and get the Silent Running - er, I mean Silence Perk. This is a freakin' game changer. You will start being awesome after this. Well, awesome-er.
  • Hide in the shadows. Even the shadow of a wall in the daytime can help. Not by much, but it helps. If the dungeon doesn't have shadows, then try to make them yourself. Torches can be extinguished...
  • AIM. FOR. THE. HEAD. Seriously. Head shots count. A lot.
  • Get your smithing up to 100. Enhance (sharpen) your bow along the way. You WILL be blown away by how much more damage your bow will do.
  • Learn to stab backs with a dagger. Seriously, there's more to life than using a bow all the time. Backstabbing fools is the bread to the sniper's butter. It also is quite the adrenaline rush and will crank your sneak skill up quick using the "Practice Effect."


So to sum it all up, the key to being a good sniper is to act as if you own the battlespace. Attack when you want, where you want, and don't be afraid to maneuver. Also, at level 19 you are nothing. You character is the equivalent of someone who knows just enough to get themselves in trouble. The game has pretty much just started for you. Stop trying to finish it so quick.


Most of all, remember to have fun. If you're not having fun as a sniper, perhaps you should play another type of character. A sniper/assassin is an advanced character type and requires finesse to play. Honestly, you don't sound like the type of person (based on your post) who has fun that way. Have you tried hitting thing with a giant hammer? It's actually pretty damn fun. I recommend it. A lot. :thumbsup:

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In my own testing I've not found that headshots actually register any differently. Damage seems the same, despite Internet rumor. The only big swing I have seen is whether or not I get a critical shot and it registers as a sneak attack, which I think is why some people are seeing damage flux. Edited by debuskjt
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My bow does 194 points of damage with my skill and equipment. I use glass, ebony, or daedric arrows for an average of 22 each. The 3 x bow damage skill and potion of my choice to acellerate the intended targets demise takes out all but the stoutest of targets. By using skills and shouts, I can send forth 4-6 arrows in 1-3 seconds zoomed and on target.

You could turn down the game difficulty, then an falmer arrow from a bandits hunting bow will take out a dragon in 2 to 3 shots.


The length of time you draw the bow affects the ammount of damage done. Also, the targets armor will seems to absorb some of the damage.

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Like others have said, the sniper is a thinking man's game. You should always be aware of you surroundings, seeing where the light and shadows are, and if at all possible where you can setup a good perch to snipe without getting in a npc's path, For instance I found I could sneak on top of a chest, and snipe everything in the room and if i failed a 1 shot they would usually get in my face, but fail to see me thanks to my high sneak. Just shoot them in the back, and while nothing is looking in your direction.


A random Dungeon from the world comes to mind as I type. I run up to the word wall, got my shout, then immediately ran away from the area to hide behind a pillar, dropped into sneak, and waited til i got a back shot. Took it, he came toward the area, and I went 3rd person, as he went around my pillar, I walked the other way, keeping the pillar between me and the Duager. It took a few times doing this, but I never got touched, and got a few sneak archery skill points.


Unless it is a dragon attack, if you are getting hit in the face, you are doing it wrong. Think like a Sneaky SOB, and Exploit the environment to your advantage.

Edited by Bahlsa77
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In my own testing I've not found that headshots actually register any differently. Damage seems the same, despite Internet rumor. The only big swing I have seen is whether or not I get a critical shot and it registers as a sneak attack, which I think is why some people are seeing damage flux.

Here's where it gets interesting; I have seen, in my own play, that a head shot does do more damage. Not a sneak crit, but an actual shot to the noggin on mobs charging me does more damage than a shot to the brisket. I'd be willing to concede that perhaps a head shot give you a critical hit result, thus appearing to do more damage, but then it would have to be all head shots. I appear to do more damage when I shoot an enemy in the head. Dragon, people, deer, and anything with a head seems to suffer more from an arrow to the temple. It's not once in a while, it's every time. My sneak criticals also seem to proc for considerably more damage if my arrow hits the noggin. An enemy that I drop with one head-shot from stealth often take two or more body-shots from stealth to drop.


Body shots are way easier in combat, but head shots drop people more quickly. I have seen this time and time again when I play. Here's where the problem comes in; if the CK shows that head shots don't do more damage, or offer a higher rate of critical hits; what weird bug am I getting in my game that allows me to easily kill enemies quicker when I shoot them in the head?


I'm willing to concede that I'm imagining things, but then I would have to face the possibility that my imagination has the power to warp reality. Frankly, I don't want to go there. Famous female celebrities really don't want me to go there. 'Cause I will, if that's the case. Which I don't think it is. :tongue:

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In my own testing I've not found that headshots actually register any differently. Damage seems the same, despite Internet rumor. The only big swing I have seen is whether or not I get a critical shot and it registers as a sneak attack, which I think is why some people are seeing damage flux.

Here's where it gets interesting; I have seen, in my own play, that a head shot does do more damage. Not a sneak crit, but an actual shot to the noggin on mobs charging me does more damage than a shot to the brisket. I'd be willing to concede that perhaps a head shot give you a critical hit result, thus appearing to do more damage, but then it would have to be all head shots. I appear to do more damage when I shoot an enemy in the head. Dragon, people, deer, and anything with a head seems to suffer more from an arrow to the temple. It's not once in a while, it's every time. My sneak criticals also seem to proc for considerably more damage if my arrow hits the noggin. An enemy that I drop with one head-shot from stealth often take two or more body-shots from stealth to drop.


Body shots are way easier in combat, but head shots drop people more quickly. I have seen this time and time again when I play. Here's where the problem comes in; if the CK shows that head shots don't do more damage, or offer a higher rate of critical hits; what weird bug am I getting in my game that allows me to easily kill enemies quicker when I shoot them in the head?


I'm willing to concede that I'm imagining things, but then I would have to face the possibility that my imagination has the power to warp reality. Frankly, I don't want to go there. Famous female celebrities really don't want me to go there. 'Cause I will, if that's the case. Which I don't think it is. :tongue:



Keep in mind that all messages are not displayed at the top of the screen. Listen for the Crit 'THUMP' sound. That said, I agree with you - and it'd be weird if the CK proves it to be wrong!

Edited by Susurruss
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Keep in mind that all messages are not displayed at the top of the screen. Listen for the Crit 'THUMP' sound. That said, I agree with you - and it'd be weird if the CK proves it to be wrong!

Absolutely, which is why I think that head shots do more damage and not due to crits. No "dunk!" sound and the health drops a silly mount compared to body shots. I can't wait for the CK to come out so I can look into this. I'd like to know if I'm insane or not. :biggrin:

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