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Hello I'm new to Skyrim.


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I just downloaded Skyrim for the first time from Steam, I have a high spec PC with an I7-4790k, GTX-980TI, SSD, 8gb RAM and all that good stuff.

I don't know anything about mods but I'm looking for a realistic Skyrim experience, I've heard of the mod that forces you to eat and drink, wear warm clothes and where you die if you're out in the cold for too long.

I also heard about a mod that starts the game differently, I forgot the details of it now but it sounded interesting.

Also would like some graphics mods as I have only downloaded the original Skyrim and not the new Special Edition, I have the 2011 version.

Is there a simple all in one installer for the things I'm looking for ?

I'm also open to suggestions of other mods I might enjoy.

Excited to get started!


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you might look into skyrim revisited: legendary edition modding guide. it gets you started with the right tools and ends in conflict resolution so your game doesn't crash. you can pick and choose which mods you want from the list, and once your game's stable you can find other stuff that suits you and follow the right steps to integrate it. just make sure to read the descriptions for anything you install always, and don't install patches for mods you're gonna' decide against. good luck!

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you might look into skyrim revisited: legendary edition modding guide. it gets you started with the right tools and ends in conflict resolution so your game doesn't crash. you can pick and choose which mods you want from the list, and once your game's stable you can find other stuff that suits you and follow the right steps to integrate it. just make sure to read the descriptions for anything you install always, and don't install patches for mods you're gonna' decide against. good luck!

good advice. i think essential mods for me are. Darker nights, ineed, frostfall,campfire,alternate tart (allows you to start the game from a completely different point on the map,thus,changing your story trajectory)wet and cold,killable children,and open cities. Much will come soon though

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Totally concur with youngfrankenstein's list of mods above (I happen to use Realistic Needs instead of ineed).


I'd consider the following, depending on how you play:


-dragonborn journal (writing helps roleplaying immensely.)

-Elfx (atmospheres vastly improved, made more realistic, particularly for indoors)

-wearable lantern

-SMIM (improves meshes adds detail to the world)

-No gps (removes compass marker)

-IHud (I turn off compass + enemy markers; compass as power that develops is in next mod)

-Hunterborn (for hunting, skinning, compass skill in lieu of having visual compass on screen)


I'd probably not bother with quest mods until second + playthrough given the serious amount of content already in the game.

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Thanks for replies I'll check those mods later.


I play on a TV and use a 360 scuf controller. I know that skyUI is an important mod for some other mods, would skyUI be ok while using a controller?


I also have 7.1 surround sound but I noticed during the intro of vanilla skyrim that I only had 5.1 surround. Is there a 7.1 mod?

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I use the MCM portion of SkyUI with a controller no problems. I shut the main SkyUI (with a mod) off so no clue there.


USLEEP is the first mod you should download, and the one you always update. Most popular mods are updated to this now, I use the older Unofficial Patches as I have a few mods tied to them. and I am lazy. Starting new, go with USLEEP.


One "must have" mod I will mention is the Parthurnaax Dilemma by Arthmoore, for reasons you will eventually discover. Suffice to say, it simply adds a choice to a main Quest that Beth should have included at launch.


One rarely mentioned mod that is very helpful as you explore console commands is MFG Console. It restores a function Beth, for some reason, removed from the game.


Some cautions for 1st playthrough. Open Cities is a framerate hog and has conflicts with a number of other mods that entails patching it. Pick one or two all encompassing game mods like Wet and Cold. The more script intensive mods you install will force you to become proficient in the various utility mods such as loot, wyre, etc. Grow into those. Script mods are IMHO the most troublesome and the most prone to conflict.


I would suggest you play out all of the DLC before adding a DLC type mod.


I would not suggest the hell mode mods like no markers or compass on a first playthrough. I would not ramp difficulty up until you find you need the extra challenge and are ok in Legendary mode. When you are proficient at surviving game combat I would consider adding in being lost, starving and freezing to death to the mix.


Texture mods rarely cause any problems, you can load those till your computer smokes without ruining a save, generally. Simple Weapons and armor mods are pretty safe as well. HDT is pretty popular and safe, but too much HDT loading can cause invisible npcs and bizarre stretching effects. Starting out I would limit HDT armors to standalone rather than whole game replacers. (used by your char and followers only, if you give them HDT armor)


Have fun, and you got the right version for now, by far. SSE has a while before it can catch up.


Be aware mods have Dependancies. SkyUI, FNIS, etc. READ the mod descriptions for required and conflicts. Read the comments. There are some old mods with a lot of endorsements that will, literally, destroy your game in the state they are in now. These tend to be mods from 2012 ish that got endorsed then, but have been abandoned and can be full of dirty edits, bloat, and all kinds of bad consequences that tend to only show up after you have invested a lot of time into a play through.



Finally, always have a stable back up save to revert to when loading ANY new mod. I can't stress this enough. Removing a mod does not always fully remove changes it made. You need a stable back up. I save those in a separate folder.

Edited by TeofaTsavo
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So with SkyUI can I have the mod installed as it is required for other mods, but still revert back to the vanilla more controller friendly menus ? Using the MCM options within SkyUI ?

I'm also looking at ENB mods to handle much of the visuals in one mod, is that a common way to do things ? I'm finding this slightly intimidating and want to make sure I get Skyrim set up the way I want it right from the start. I'm following Gopher tutorials on youtube.

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i'd recommend using mod organizer and not nexus mod manager like that guide says. mo makes a virtual game folder so it doesn't have to touch your actual files. enb does post-processing to improve the looks of everything. to get a really great looking game i recommend replacing the vanilla textures and lighting. the reason i recommended the guide in my previous reply is that it shows you how to set up the tools you need and how to resolve mod conflicts. that will help whether you use any of the mods it talks about or not.

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yes, you can set mod organizer up to download the mods directly from the nexus links, and it has its own directory for downloads. plus it separates each mod into its own folder and has them virtually overwrite each other based on a list instead of just smashing them on top of another.

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