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What Version of 3DS Max would you reccommend


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I've been editing/making meshes for Bethesda games for about 3 years now. I've been using Blender to do this, with great success. However, I'm thinking of using 3DS Max with the unveiling of skyrim modding scene. I've had a copy of 3DS Max 8 for a couple years, but I don't know if that is the version I should use in this endeavor. So that brings me to my question:


Should I stick with 3DS Max 8, or get a new version?




Thanks much fellas.

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Which version? 2010 and above. It got all the "needed" tools, as the auto align in the UVW editor.

I not get the 2012 version, since they usually got a few more bugs and is rarely supported by plugins. 2010-2011 seem like a good choice.


On a sidenote, the only way to get smooth animations and particle system in Oblivion was using the CiV exporter, which was a plugin for 3ds max 8 and lower. Before we actually know if it is any different here, keeping 8 is a good idea.


Personally, I use 2010. It works for me, and I see no benefit in upgrading to 2011 or 2012. I got all the required tools :)

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When I was doing my models for FNV I modelled in max 2011 64bit but the niftools did not work for that version. So used max 2009 to make the collision mesh and nifs to port into nifscope. Not tried 2012 as I now atempting to get my head around Blender.
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When I was doing my models for FNV I modelled in max 2011 64bit but the niftools did not work for that version. So used max 2009 to make the collision mesh and nifs to port into nifscope. Not tried 2012 as I now atempting to get my head around Blender.

That is a non issue as the niftools plugin works for all new versions.

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I am, admittedly, pretty ignorant of the nuances of the different versions of 3ds (having never used it much, and not really following it, as I did blender). The tools I need (mainly Niftools) seem to exist for the 2012 edition, judging from this: http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/ So is there any definitive reason to go with an earlier version?



Thanks much for the input you guys have already offered.

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So is there any definitive reason to go with an earlier version?

In your case no. The only reason to use older version is like Matth85 said: plugins you absolutely can't live without that don't work in newer versions, and aren't actually integrated as a new feature. Of which there are several, but seeing as you probably never used them you won''t miss them

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If nif tools now works with the 64 bit max 2012 I see no reason to use a previous version, other than plug-ins that have not been updated as new features of the product will give you more default options. Max gets more complex with each new veretion and I suggest you look at loads of tuts to get a handel on how to model with it.




There's a link to the nexus thread on 3DS Max to get you started, I found Mr Blue Summers and IwKyA helpful when I was using 3DS Max.

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