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Skyrim worked before, installed few mods, stopped working, uninstalled


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Just like in the title, I've installed NMM today, then a few mods, started the game and, here's the deal, it crashes only if I try to interact somehow with the menu. So if I do nothing, nothing happens, the music plays on etc. BUT if I use arrow keys to change menu selection, or move the mouse above one of the button, the game instantly crashes without any warning message.


I've uninstalled all the mods I installed today, and it STILL crashes like that.


How is that even possible?

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Depend on which mod was installed. From that experience is learned that mods should not be installed many at once because this makes hard to identify what caused the problem.


Some mods can change the ini files and then the effects persist after remove. As the game is still subject of structural changes from patches, the risk of the patch breaking the mod and conversely the mod becoming incompatible is high.



As a first attempt of solution the advice is you renaming the two ini files found under /Documents/My Games/Skyrim, they are the SkyrimPrefs.ini and Skyrim.ini (renaming them like apending .bak at the end is enough, becoming Skyrim.ini.bak as example). This causes the game to recreate them from the default.


Anyway, report the version of the game (the patch used), this helps both the helper and the mod author to identify the problem and find a correction.

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When you uninstall it will only remove vanilla game files. So whatever mods were placed in your skyrim folder are still there. If you dont manually clear out the folder of your mods after the uninstall, when you re-install, it will place your vanilla game right back there next to the mod files. Clear out that folder after the uninstall.


When you uninstall, clear out your skyrim folder so that it is empty. Then go to your saves games folder and remove the ini files within. Uninstalling does not remove those either. With that done, when you re-install and start a new game, it will generate vanilla ini files. Then the game will work like new again.

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