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Im not sure if this is a tech problem, but for whatever reason if my character wears "tight" armours (like a lot of HGEC things), it clips with my characters body. All over, everywhere.


It's like if you imagine a "long sleeved" cuirass, the arm would become stripy, ie armor stripe, skin stripe, armor stripe, skin stripe etc. All over the body though.


This occurs with some carpets, tapestries, but never anything bulky like daedric armour. I have reinstalled HGEC several times and tried several different settings, none of which make any difference. Could this be a tech problem and if so, any ideas on a fix?


If it helps I am actually using a laptop to play oblivion, I use quite low grade textures for normal play but the problem happens even on "High Quality" settings.


They all HGEC based clothing? If you have things from EC that'll happen.

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Im not sure if this is a tech problem, but for whatever reason if my character wears "tight" armours (like a lot of HGEC things), it clips with my characters body. All over, everywhere.


It's like if you imagine a "long sleeved" cuirass, the arm would become stripy, ie armor stripe, skin stripe, armor stripe, skin stripe etc. All over the body though.


This occurs with some carpets, tapestries, but never anything bulky like daedric armour. I have reinstalled HGEC several times and tried several different settings, none of which make any difference. Could this be a tech problem and if so, any ideas on a fix?


If it helps I am actually using a laptop to play oblivion, I use quite low grade textures for normal play but the problem happens even on "High Quality" settings.

Hi. You'd do better to post this in a thread of its own under Technical Support rather than this Tips thread, since this thread is really for solutions people have already found.


Having said that, you shouldn't be getting clipping as the clothing mods are meant to replace, rather than overlay, the original body, and include their own bits of exposed skin where needed. Have you done archive invalidation? (do a search on the site if you don't know what that is :thumbsup: )

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Before you wrote that I tried some Archive Invalidation. I'm not too sure how to work it, but I don't think it worked. I say this because my title screen changed, but the clothes didn't.


And I'm pretty sure it's all HGEC.


If I'm still stuck by the time I've tried Archive Invalidation Invalidated I will make a new thread. Thanks :)

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  • 1 month later...

There seems to be a lot of reinstalling Oblivion, here is a trick that I use to save time and grief.


Get Oblivion installed


install your normal known good mods (stable)


If you have Windows 7, find a file on the internet called Ultimate Windows Tweaker, run it and put a right click menu entry called "take ownership" in windows explorer


Make a folder on your boot hard drive or preferably on another drive, call it OB1 or whatever strikes your fancy


drag the entire Oblivion folder into this new folder (copy not move)


inside this new folder make two subfolders, my save games and user.


back in windows explorer.....


go to the user folder, then your user name, then appdata, then local and copy the oblivion folder and the obse_launcher folder to the user folder where you just copied oblivion. Then go to your my documents, my games and copy this folder to the my games folder you made in the folder you copied Oblivion into and the next time you add a mod that corrupts the game, just start over with a fresh fully modded version of Oblivion.


when you need to refresh your game and recover from an unexpected corruption just copy all the files to the original locations that they came from and then use the new take ownership menu selection to give itthe original permissions and your back to normal.


I have even used this to transfer my game from one computer to another across the network at home.


one final note, either run the oblivion icon where you set your video and go to data files and make sure all your .esm's and .esp's are checked or open obmm and do it there as the moving sometimes leaves some of these files unchecked, after that you just play, you are done.


Edited by Roguespear
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  • 2 weeks later...
Pardon me, but what are all the weather codes for Oblivion (including the weather for SI)? The code for Oblivion storms and MQ16 Oblivion Storms don't work, and I'd like to know what the Shivering Isles' weather cmds are.
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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...
This is for anyone who's experiencing random CTDs while playing Oblivion. I was experiencing crashes as of late and was looking for any solution to it. :wallbash: :verymad: I downloaded Registry Cleaner and so far I have no crashes at the moment. Granted I probably need to play a bit more to be sure and the result would be different for everyone but I think it's one way to reduce the crashes. Before doing that make sure you backup everything. :blink: Hope this helps anyone with a crash issue. :biggrin: :thumbsup: :laugh:
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  • 5 months later...

I have one issue:I was a vampire and i took with coc testinghall potion of cure vampirism.And because of that i cannot be vampire anymore,but now i wanna to be and i did this in ~ (console): Set PCVampire to 1

Player.SetAV Vampirism 25


I got everything ( i can feed on someone ...)And i got to sleep (i slept 3 days you know for the vampire effect i didn't get all)I woke up and i got some TEXT (you know when you become a vampire you get some text),and i clicked DONE and shoves again,and again and it cant be stopped! :pinch: :wacko: I need HELP! Please i need someone who will tell me how to clear that away ! :confused: :wallbash:

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It doesn't matter now.I did it i just clicked 20 times done and it disappears!


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  • 3 weeks later...

Another tip -- besides giving yourself all access like someone suggested above, is to right click on the short cut to your 'game' (probably the obse loader eh?) -- under compat, check 'run as administrator'.... Even with the permissions done like suggested, I noticed in my event log many permission denied audit messages (I log audit 'fails', since I usually run progs with sufficient privs to do their job, so if their is a failure, I wanna know about it...successes are uninteresting)... from obvlivion!... TCB priviledge? Why Win7 thinks it needs that (trying to run as part of the the OS -- maybe one of the graphics drivers addons?)..


So that can help too....


Just a thought.

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