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Gender based Werewolf


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drawing a thicker line between male and female werewolves is actually quite simple if you're not offended easily. Perhaps longer hair on a female or slightly smaller bone structure but otherwise leave them be. Males can be allowed to "hang out" Anita Blake style and then there would be no confusion. They have already made such a thing for frost trolls.. why not werewolves. Anyway. that's my two perverted cents :P


Apparently the guy who made the troll mod is considering doing the same to werewolves. And most of the other beasts of Skyrim. Personally I like the combination of the realism of anatomically correct parts and the political incorrectness of it. Amusingly enough, it sounds like there will even be physics for such parts...


Anyhow, as it relates to werewolves, I think it'd be great to work on both ends of the spectrum; less bulky upper body, shapelier legs and fluff/boobs/whatever for the females and junk for the males. As for the style, more human-like or animal-like, as others have said, more options are always better. Maybe even go werewolf in multiple stages, only partially werewolf unless the moon's out or something.



Well, an altered (less bulky) mesh for female werewolves in one of the things we're planning over in the werewolf overhaul mod thread, so I think someone's already making it.

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For my money a good werewolf should be scary, and little else. Cute and fluffy is fine, but it's not a good monster. Of the movie werewolves I've seen, Professor Lupin from Harry Potter is FAR more frightening than, say, Lon Chaney... so, that's the direction I would go in. On the other hand, Lon Chaney snarling around Skyrim would have its own amusement value, I think. ^_^


Yeah, but you don't wanna be that guy on the Forums do you? The one who just can't stand someone typing 'there' when they mean 'their'. Also, I think this seperates intself enough from the others. The first one wants a female mesh for the Werewolves, the second want's an "Adult" Werewolf ;) and the last wants to alter how the gameplay of the Werewolf works. I want a mod that allows players to modify their Werewolf's appearance without affecting the rest of the werewolves. Though admittedly my title blows butt for that matter. I only stated the female thing, when in fact that was my personal use for the mod, not all it was about.


Also, I'm hilarious and a delight to read. Get this:


Two guys go into a bar. The first guy say's, "Hold on, is that a Nun, Priest, and guy with a trained monkey?" So the second guy goes, and poops in a bucket and says, "I think I got intestinal worms from eatting dog food!"

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looks like he wrote the wrong reply for that quote or chose the wrong quote for that reply.. whatever way you want to look at it.


I am one for overhauls myself, because if done right everything can be entirely modular. So I tend to add ideas to a thread and try and get the owner of the OP to add them in. You are a hoot, that is why I keep returning to this thread; that and I don't have any updates on any other threads.


You can rename thread titles btw, all apart of the edit function. The adult werewolves one is by a guy who isn't very clear about his intentions or speaks bad english. It is essentially wanting the same as the other.

Edited by Sagenth
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Ideas... however tangential... are about the only contribution I can manage. Who knows, maybe someone will make the Lon Chaney mod-- Seriously, how awesome WOULD that be? ^_^


Here's a link to a picture:




Yes, as a werewolf, it's dreadful... which is why it would be awesome. ^_^

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  • 2 weeks later...
i know that there isnt much difference between a female wolf and a male wolf to the naked eye. The first thing i thought when i saw this was "oh god they play too much wow" lol. But really, i think a good way to make a solid difference would be to change the differences in fur. I dont see why the skeletal structure would be very different.
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