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triggered attacks


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Hi Guys


I searching a good tutorial for triggered attacks (or maybe someone know it here?). Have someone a link? I plan to implement in my mod several enemys that only spawn (and attack) then the player run truth a trigger box.





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Off the top of my head (so I may not remember a keyword or 2), it's...


1) place your actor

2) place defaultenabledisabletrigger

3) place enabledisablemarker

4) linkref marker to trigger (or is the other way around?)

5) set actor to initially disabled

6) set actors enable parent to be the marker


...I think that's it. I know there are things you can fiddle with in their respective scripts, but that's the just of it. If that doesn't get you going, I can (or maybe someone else will pop in) go double check when I get home.

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I have now exactly everything made how you described it, but it does not work. The rad-scorpions (the actors^^) stay visible in the area before the player run truth the triggerbox. Btw. wich scripts did you mean?


PS: Or is it a error because the area is not navmeshed yet?

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Like I said, I may be forgetting something (not in front of my PC at the moment). =/


If no one pops in before I get home, I'll double check it.


You did right click>edit the radacorpions and check mark Initially Disabled, correct? Just double checking.


Edit: (Honestly not trying to self-promote by saying this, but...) There are a few in my Small Addition mod (particularly, just outside the doorways of the bigmasterbedroom and bigrestroom) that you can look at in the meantime.

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There is a cell in the FO4 .esm called "WarehouseAmbushes" that have examples of how the Rad Roaches Bloat Flies and Stingwings work.


Now if you do have everything set properly already and are still seeing the Roaches it's likely that you need to load a clean save. I made this mistake myself with some I had set up, it was driving me nuts until I started a new test game ran to the encounter and it worked.

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Well it finaly have work! Thank you both! Pew it whas nice to see that it have work but also ... I have feel scared as I whas at once surrounded by rad scorpions *jumps under his bed* :D.

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