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In need of some help with modding


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Okay, so here's what I wanted to do:


- Have SeveNBase Bombshell installed; (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/36992/?)

- XP32 Maximum Skeleton Extended installed; (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/68000/?)

- HDT Breast And Butt Physics installed; (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54044/?)

- Mature skin texture and body along with the SeveNBase. (http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/32986/?)


This is too confusing for me, and I also need to have Realistic Ragdolls and Force AND Fores New Idles in Skyrim - FNIS installed.


I installed Realistic Ragdolls and Force and then FNIS (using their tutorial for beginners), then I proceeded to install the Mature skin, but with the Nexus servers currently unusable, I tried to download manually and add it to the NMM, but after a long time stuck in the 44% it cancels the installation with an "couldn't be installed".


The installation of XP32 has a LOT of options and just one of them doesn't have a lot of caps locked words with "DO NOT INSTALL THIS" or "THIS IS FOR X MOD ONLY", and this only apparently safe option has a "no body physics" in the description.


I have tried having a cool body and texture in this game with some body physics when jumping and everything, but any time I try following all this complex procedure, something happens (not being able to install or unreachable servers) and I can't even test it in game to see if something's wrong (really reassuring after spending hours trying to even install these mods, knowing that they may not work at all if you get it done).


I know this is probably a dumb post out of a rant, but can someone help me with this? I can't understand how people make this work.


I'm sorry for the inconvenience and thank you.

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ragdolls and force is just for some beast skeletons that xpmse doesn't cover so you want to overwrite it. if you're using hdt physics you're fine to install the hdt skeleton. just don't tick the boxes on the last page that says the crap about horses and stuff. obviously overwrite sevenbase with the skin textures, then overwrite that with the force mod and skeleton.


oh and don't forget you gotta' 'run fnis for users' or you will have problems.

Edited by ymf331
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