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Restrictions on a merchant?

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Hello! I am a beginner modder who mainly mods for myself because it's fun. I am currently working on creating a new merchant, but I want her to have certain restrictions before she will trade with you.



1. You must be Thane of Solitude.

2. You must have <insert amount> of gold in your inventory.


Basically, she sells a unique item and she knows it.





ps. she sells tea, which I know isn't a unique mod, but it is in MY GAME.

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Conditioning gold amount is easy, The Thane status is much trickier however.


For gold you just open your merchant's faction "Vendor" tab and check mark the condition box and then add the GetItemCount condition and choose Player in drop down and define Gold001 and the amount you want.


Thane status is handled through the script attached to the quest FavorJarlsMakeFriends. There is a pair of Int values which starts at 0 for each of the holds; one for imperial and one for stormcloaks. When you are made Thane, the INT is set to 1 for the hold you have Thane status in. When you get forgiven of a crime, it sets to 2. Sadly the condition system has no way of checking the variables (or it's a broken function) because you can use GetQuestVariable in the conditions list under the faction vendor tab but it doesn't allow you to assign the actual variable you want to check. If you COULD check that variable, this would work to check for Thane status, but sadly I don't think it works. at any rate, any condition you could apply would be right in that vendor tab, so poke around there and see the many many options.

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