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Thalmor execution order. What!


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I just had a run in with my first Thalmor execution squad tonight. Strangely, this was on the fifth character I've created who not only has not killed any Thalmor yet, but hasn't even seen any until these three fools tried to jump him. So far he's only killed the dragon outside of Whiterun, not gone to High Hrothgar yet. Of the other four characters one is still at Riverwood while the others have fifty plus hours each on them ranging in level from twenty to forty. It's the ones I've played longer that have been killing Thalmor every chance they get, and I'm wondering if for some reason the game is triggering the Thalmor attack based on the actions of these other characters (although the correct character name was in the execution order note).


Well, it's more reason to kill Thalmor I suppose. After all, they're using the many worlds theory to justify attacking me.

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I always seem to draw their ire after attacking Imperial soldiers. I've noticed this before joining the stormcloaks and doing their quests. I like to go all Wind of Death on their camps out in the wilderness, it just pisses me off that i can never kill the legates.
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I too killed a Thalmore group and released the prisoner, then was later attacked and I found the execution order.

Later on after seeing no more Thalmore for a while, I met one who offered me the quest but I refused, but he did not attack me. I assume he had not seen the order to kill me on sight :wink:

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I too got jumped by a bunch of Thalmor thugs after having nothing to do with them up till that point (or either imperial/stormcloak faction). Found the execution order that said something about interfering with their plans.


Plans or no they are fair game now. I ambushed a party of them some ways out of Markarth and when I walked up to the city the ESP guards somehow knew what I did and tried to do me in. Rewind the game and leave that particular bunch alone. Now I make sure that any I happen across in the wilds are well and truly far from any city before I dispatch them :pirate:

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The scripting is probably a little wonky. The Thalmor want Skyrim destabilised, and they're probably supposed to start trying to kill you when you do things that make it a better place. No doubt, however, that for some reason doing a pile of Thieves Guild missions or other things they shouldn't really care about will trigger them to try and kill your face.


Ot worse, there's no scripting at all and it's just in the random encounter list; it never matters what you have or haven't done.

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Spoiler ahead.


At the Thalmor Party when the head Lady began getting nosy and repeatedly asked me who I was, I complimented her saying I had heard so much about her, and she got interrupted in her thought and someone else began talking to her, and I scurried over to another guest....so, you can avoid giving her your name if you are slick about it.


I really thought that was fun, being able to thwart her attempt at discovering my identity. I then fed the drunk extra drinks, and he created a scene giving me a diversion to go stealthy.


Cool stuff.

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Nope, no Thalmor's been out to get me like that... yet. I did come across a Dark Brotherhood assassin once though, who was feeble enough to get killed by a Frostbite spider. Immoral hoarder I am, I proceeded to loot the guy, and, well... he had a note. Someone sent the Dark Brotherhood to kill me. Mind you that I haven't gone anywhere near that questline, heck when it happened I hadn't gone near like any quest line! I'm guessing it's simply a random encounter of some sort, another one of those trippy Bethesda ideas about immersion.
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  On 12/18/2011 at 5:19 AM, TheNiceNightmare said:

Nope, no Thalmor's been out to get me like that... yet. I did come across a Dark Brotherhood assassin once though, who was feeble enough to get killed by a Frostbite spider. Immoral hoarder I am, I proceeded to loot the guy, and, well... he had a note. Someone sent the Dark Brotherhood to kill me. Mind you that I haven't gone anywhere near that questline, heck when it happened I hadn't gone near like any quest line! I'm guessing it's simply a random encounter of some sort, another one of those trippy Bethesda ideas about immersion.


Maybe so, but....so far, I have had a mammoth fall out of the clear blue sky and kill me, had my own arrow come down and get me, got some stupid assassins after me, now add the Thalmor to the list, been kicked of a cliff by a bunnie (seriously, those are big bunnies), RAN off a cliff in a snow storm....I'm a little PARANOID! :wacko:


I've heard of immersion, but this is rediculous. LMAO!


Oh well, off we go to the embassy.... film at eleven (maybe) :dance:


( I love this game )

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