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Thalmor execution order. What!


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Maybe this happends when you kill someone somewhere .. i'd kill'd my wife and in some time after few hired bandits randomly jumped on me,so i'd kill em and they had letter that says i have to die for that i kill'd my wife(it was signed by her father if i can remember) So maybe you kill'd one of theyr peoples :)
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That execution order is just the start.


First it was just Thalmor Justicars and a few soldiers. Then came the DB assassins. Next it was hired thugs. Lately, its necromancers for Malyn Varen. Seems almost anything gets you into somebody's bad book.


All good practice though and nothing more fun than beating Thalmor to death with your fists, and of course, an undamaged Khajiit or Argonian skin can be sold for a good deal of coin.

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Q_Q Why aren't the Thalmor going after me? I mean I didn't just murder their justicars and solders simply wandering around Skyrim; I massacred where they lived and slept in Skyrim....


Maybe I should had left some of them alive so they could report the massacres... I mean I guess it is difficult to find who did it when everyone is dead. :wallbash: :psyduck:


Still, I want to feed my sword more souls. ;_;

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Thalmor Justiciars are official enforcers of the terms of the White-Gold Concordat. From time to time they can be encountered wandering the countryside accompanied by low-ranking Thalmor Soldiers. Justiciars sometimes carry an order of execution for the player, issued by the Thalmor government, due to the player's interference in the schemes of the Thalmor. In addition, you have the option of telling them that you worship Talos, which will also cause them to attack. Also, due to their generally unfriendly attitude, if you linger on the choice for too long they will outright attack you, apparently unconcerned for the fierce theological debate raging in your mind.


The Thalmor may write an Order of Execution for the player if you act against them. This can happen whether or not the player has entered the Thalmor Embassy during the main quest Diplomatic Immunity.

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On my new character i don't recall upsetting the Thalmor's plans, so i can neither confirm nor deny any of this speculation of why they attack you.


all i know is once they try to attack me i follow this philosophy: " War is the remedy our enemies have chosen, and i say we we give them all they want" - Gen Sherman

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  • 2 years later...

Nope, no Thalmor's been out to get me like that... yet. I did come across a Dark Brotherhood assassin once though, who was feeble enough to get killed by a Frostbite spider. Immoral hoarder I am, I proceeded to loot the guy, and, well... he had a note. Someone sent the Dark Brotherhood to kill me. Mind you that I haven't gone anywhere near that questline, heck when it happened I hadn't gone near like any quest line! I'm guessing it's simply a random encounter of some sort, another one of those trippy Bethesda ideas about immersion.

You killed someone and their family did the Black Sacrament for revenge. This is similar to when you steal from someone's house and even if they didn't see you do it they send thugs after you to beat you up. The Dark Brotherhood only gets called if you aren't already a member-members are protected from the Black Sacrament-and there has to be a living relative to the person you killed. For instance, vampires or dragons attacked a town and you spit a fireball at it just as a helpful villager (usually Adrianna) runs up to assist. Your fireball splashes all over said villager and you killed them-likely without getting a bounty so you didn't even notice you're a murderer but her husband did.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I do what I want to do, I went Stormcloaks and STILL do what I want to do. If I get assassins after me from the Dark Brotherhood, my followers and I deal with them accordingly, you're dead, too bad, come again another time and try LOL One of my followers is a High Eff female, I make up my own rules. Think about how you play the game, you are the Dragonborn ... you don't ask for permission.

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  • 10 months later...

i guess it had something to do with race, yeah i played a redguard, and was reminded of the mission to bring saadia to the alikir warriors, they've mentioned something about "the war against the dominion is live and well in hammerfell" maybe thalmors despised redguards very much...

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