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Can't Change Current Tab Away From Description


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I have been unable to download any mods recently as the website will not change the current tab away from the description.


So far I have tried Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox all with all ad blockers removed (not just disabled) and no other extensions. Also I've made sure JavaScript is enabled in all browsers. Nothing is working.


Used to be able to use the Skyrim Nexus with a small AdBlocker no problem, now I am unable to use Skyrim, Oblivion, Fallout NV, Fallout 4, and Skyrim SE (haven't tried any others).


Also this has been an ongoing thing for a couple weeks now, I've tried about every third day for the last couple of weeks to no avail.


Whenever I hover the mouse over the tab buttons, the link is the exact same as the mod page, I don't know if this is intended, but if it's helpful info there you go.


Any suggestions on how to fix this would be greatly appreciated.



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Hi there,


I can confirm that this is definitely a Javascript issue, but I can't tell you what the exact issue is as it will be related to something on your PC or in your settings. The link should simply point to the same page you're on with a hashtag symbol at the end.

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Thanks for the info.


Not sure what else I can do, just tried on my laptop on both firefox and chrome with no extensions or plugins and making sure nothing is being blocked and its still not working, although now the tab changes, but the page doesn't update.


This is really unfortunate.

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Final update: Reset all browsers on both computers, checked that javascript is enabled and no plugins or add-ons are present.


Still not working.


I have no idea what to try next, is there any way to force the javascript to run? Not sure why its not.

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Alright something doesn't seem quite right.


I loaded the site on my phone and I was able to download mods. I thought "hm I guess something randomly broke both my computers," but then my phone decided to exhibit the same refusal to load behavior.


Not sure what part of Android causes the JavaScript for Firefox to stop working after downloading two files from Nexus Mods, but it also seems to be on Windows 10 and on Linux Solus. Really am hopeful that this gets resolved, don't think I can do anything more on my end. Hopefully functionality will return after the Skyrim SE hype dies down.


Will report back here if I make any more discoveries.

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One last thing to test: try pressing CTRL+F5, let the page load fully. Then do it a couple more times for good measure. This reloads all the resources on the page from its original source (rather than your browser cache). Only other thing I can think of is that your JS got corrupted some how.

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Finally after much waiting I had given up, deciding its not worth it I installed my add-ons again and carried on my day (note I had completely reset all my browsers on all my devices to no avail).


I decided to test if other, less popular, games worked on nexus for me, loaded up Dragon Age Origins page and lo and behold everything worked!


Excited, I jumped into Skyrim SE praying it would load and sure enough it did! Keep in mind I only have 1 add-on installed on firefox, the uBlock Origin Ad-Blocker (different from my old one, BlueHill, just wanted to try something new).


I pondered, "Could my Ad Blocker be saving the nexus?" so to test this I disabled uBlock and refreshed the page. The page loaded at the speed of molasses running down fly paper, but when it was done I pushed the tab for files and NOTHING HAPPENED.


I enabled uBlock once again and everything started working (much faster with no intrusive ads that try and do some fishy behavior).


As much as I'd like to support the Nexus with Ad Revenue, I'd much rather be able to use the nexus, so I will be using uBlock to enable downloads.


Thanks for all the support Dark0ne.


TL;DR if you're on Firefox, try installing "uBlock Origin" add-on and see if that fixes it.

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Update: Just bought supporter thingy cause Nexus is awesome and I still want them to get money, will try again later with supporter mode to see if that fixes it, if not and I still have to use uBlock, at least I paid for the site.

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Final Final Update: Supporter mode (removes ads) still works even with ad block disabled so the problem was definitely something about ads, not sure what though.


Thanks again for all the help Dark0ne and Nexus is back to being %100 awesome.

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