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attack instead of shield bash mod.


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release the shield button just before performing the attack. If done the way you ask would prevent the use of shield bashing (actually the best feature using shield and sword) or mapping it to another button what actually can be good idea :)


Anyway, not so trivial to implement over the existent user interface, people are already working on the UI capabilities (modders and SKSE team), be patient and continue providing suggestions and asking for changes, this is the best way to get ideas for implementations.


Let's enjoy the opportunity to leave one suggestion to start with. total and independent control of what equip and use with each hand and possibility to map sets to one single slot (for example, choosing which weapon goes to each hand for dual wielders, or even weapon and shield) which can be equipped with a single hotkey, this would be Great!


There is something more awkward than forgetting you already have restoration spell selected and push it's hotkey again and then to see the PC trying to reequip the weapon in painfully slow animation while being beaten to death?


Yes, I know, that is ambitious request and not something to be accomplished next day, but...

Edited by nosisab
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