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Rescaling the map


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A 1:1 scale would be way too much work if you wanted to do it right, but keep in mind that even if you scale everything up by a factor 2 (the world becomes twice as big), that means you need FOUR times as much content to fill everything. And sure, you could probably fill up a lot of that with generic forest/swamp/tundra/whatever, but as others have pointed out that would just add a lot of pointless travel time, without actually adding much to the game itself.


Because of that, I think the biggest strength of a mod like this is the amount of space it creates to actually do stuff with. I'm sure there will be plenty of modders looking for a good place to build their own custom house/dungeon/city/fortress/whatever, and if there was 4 times as much space to work with, they would have a lot less trouble finding a cool place to do their thing without creating any conflicts with existing content. So the rescale mod wouldn't necessarily be great on its own, but it would be an awesome base template for other modders to work with. And the more people would support the rescaled world in stead of the default world, the more awesome the end result would be.

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A 1:1 scale would be way too much work if you wanted to do it right, but keep in mind that even if you scale everything up by a factor 2 (the world becomes twice as big), that means you need FOUR times as much content to fill everything. And sure, you could probably fill up a lot of that with generic forest/swamp/tundra/whatever, but as others have pointed out that would just add a lot of pointless travel time, without actually adding much to the game itself.


Because of that, I think the biggest strength of a mod like this is the amount of space it creates to actually do stuff with. I'm sure there will be plenty of modders looking for a good place to build their own custom house/dungeon/city/fortress/whatever, and if there was 4 times as much space to work with, they would have a lot less trouble finding a cool place to do their thing without creating any conflicts with existing content. So the rescale mod wouldn't necessarily be great on its own, but it would be an awesome base template for other modders to work with. And the more people would support the rescaled world in stead of the default world, the more awesome the end result would be.



Oooh you're right :D, other modders could benefit from this. I'll try to keep this in mind when filling the gaps :D

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I fully support this mod.


I have been recently playing Daggerfall and I think that it is one of the best elder scrolls games and one of the reasons is because of its scale. Thousands of towns, huge dungeons and cities that actually look like cities, rather than small towns.

Sure it can sometimes look much the same but just look at the content Daggerfall had compared to the other elder scrolls games.


1:1 scale would be perfect anything less would be scaling down, if anything Skyrim should be BIGGER than Daggerfall.


Some suggestions of features this mod should have:


- The new landscape should be randomly generated with towns, dungeons, inns, temples and over locations being either added or generated on to it.

- All most every location should be available to fast travel to

- The ones that available could be discoverable by the player buying or finding maps.

- Fast travel should be like in Daggerfall i.e. being given a choice whether to stop at inns or camp out, whether you want to travel recklessly or cautiously, whether you want to travel by foot, house, boat etc.

- More features should be added to fast travel, for instance there should be a small chance of random encounters every time they fast travel i.e. bandit ambushes, dragon attacks etc.

- The cities should be a lot bigger. This could be done by having the main pre build vanilla city areas being like the city centres. While having a larger randomly generated city scape surrounding it.

- Most cites should also be walled with gates that close at night time (allowing the cities to be open as well as walled).

- You also should be able people the directions to locations within the cities, towns etc.

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I foresee issues with making things like mountains larger, mostly due to texture scaling. However, I do really want a mod to expand the land area. I love Skyrim, but I hate that I never feel lost. Whenever I delve into the wilderness, just as I start getting away from society, I'll suddenly pop out of the forest at a town or village. Whenever I enter a biome (such as a heavily forested area), I feel like I've barely gone ten feet into it before I see the plains on the other side.


So I definitely agree that random land (or non-random) should be placed to split up all of the existing areas and expand the landscape greatly. It doesn't seem like it would be very hard to mod, considering there wouldn't need to be any new meshes or textures, and no one would need to even add new ruins to it if they didn't feel like it.

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I fully support this mod.


I have been recently playing Daggerfall and I think that it is one of the best elder scrolls games and one of the reasons is because of its scale. Thousands of towns, huge dungeons and cities that actually look like cities, rather than small towns.

Sure it can sometimes look much the same but just look at the content Daggerfall had compared to the other elder scrolls games.


1:1 scale would be perfect anything less would be scaling down, if anything Skyrim should be BIGGER than Daggerfall.


Some suggestions of features this mod should have:


- The new landscape should be randomly generated with towns, dungeons, inns, temples and over locations being either added or generated on to it.

- All most every location should be available to fast travel to

- The ones that available could be discoverable by the player buying or finding maps.

- Fast travel should be like in Daggerfall i.e. being given a choice whether to stop at inns or camp out, whether you want to travel recklessly or cautiously, whether you want to travel by foot, house, boat etc.

- More features should be added to fast travel, for instance there should be a small chance of random encounters every time they fast travel i.e. bandit ambushes, dragon attacks etc.

- The cities should be a lot bigger. This could be done by having the main pre build vanilla city areas being like the city centres. While having a larger randomly generated city scape surrounding it.

- Most cites should also be walled with gates that close at night time (allowing the cities to be open as well as walled).

- You also should be able people the directions to locations within the cities, towns etc.

As great as that sounds it would be nearly impossible to actually do this without hundreds of modders working together. For one we dont know if the Creation Kit has a random generator, and we also dont know the capabilites of the Creation Egine in general. You would also have to build the content that will serve as templates for each randomally generated item. Daggerfall is far less advanced than Skyrim, and it actually has less orginial content when you take away random generation which makes up 99 percent of the game.

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I foresee issues with making things like mountains larger, mostly due to texture scaling. However, I do really want a mod to expand the land area. I love Skyrim, but I hate that I never feel lost. Whenever I delve into the wilderness, just as I start getting away from society, I'll suddenly pop out of the forest at a town or village. Whenever I enter a biome (such as a heavily forested area), I feel like I've barely gone ten feet into it before I see the plains on the other side.


So I definitely agree that random land (or non-random) should be placed to split up all of the existing areas and expand the landscape greatly. It doesn't seem like it would be very hard to mod, considering there wouldn't need to be any new meshes or textures, and no one would need to even add new ruins to it if they didn't feel like it.


LESS content.


Well let’s see


- Skill requiments for advacing in a guild (rather than alowing a low level warrior who knows only one spell to become arch mage).

- Temples with real depth each temple for eight divine looking and feeling different.

- Also Each temples had their own kightly orders, Order of the Hour (Akatosh), Knights of the Circle (Arkay) Order of the Lily (Dibella) etc.

- You could also join temples and do quests for them. Temples would also offer you more services than just healing and disease curing. These services would also differ on the temple.

- More skills including, Long blade, short blade, axes, Climbing, Backstabbing, the different Language skills (even if they have a reputation of being useless),

- More intresting monsters Centaurs, Gargoyles, Harpies, Nymphs, Giant Scorpions, Daedra Seducers.

- More depth to fast travel.

- More spells, Recall, Open, Lock, Levitate, Slowfalling,

- A huge selection of weapons shields and armour.

- Armour for different parts of your body rather than full suits.

- Banks

- Better Story

- Vampire clans

- In-depth spell making.

- Faction reputation based on what quests you completed or failed.

- Speaking of which you could actually fail more quests in Daggerfall

- Its own calendar with Festivals and holidays.

- Witch Covens

- Wereboars rather than just Werewolves.

- Lycanthropy is also more in-depth being based on phases of the moon rather than just when the player wants to.

- More depth in summoning Daedra i.e. their different summing days.

- More services available in the guilds Spymaster (Thieves guild, Dark Brotherhood) Teleporting Services (Mages guild), Item Identification (Mages Guild).

- Buy a horse cart and ship.

- Dungeons that actally had atmosphere.


In-depth character creation allowing you to do the following.


1. Choose a class , generate one by answering questions or create your class

Where you can:

- Choosing your primary, major and minor skills.

- Editing your reputations.

- Best of all. Choose advantages and disadvantages

i.) Including advantages like giving immunity to different elements or magic effects. Give the ability to regenerate health and select were your health regenerates In the dark, light, or even while under water.

ii.) Or disadvantages such as taking damage from holy places, having you magic powered by darkness or daylight, giving your character a phobia or certain creatures, disallowing your character to use certain martials, weapons or armour.

- Give your character a Background where you can either create one by answering question or have randomised. The question differs depending on which class you selected.



Your background affects several things in the game such as

- What items your character starts with.

- Your reputation with more factions

- Extra skill boosts.

- As well as giving your character more of a personality and back story.


3. You also roll your stats like in D&D and other table top RPGs that the Elder Scrolls games were originally based on.


So Daggerfall has more content and depth than Skyrim which could barely even call itself an RPG.

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- Fast travel should be like in Daggerfall i.e. being given a choice whether to stop at inns or camp out, whether you want to travel recklessly or cautiously, whether you want to travel by foot, house, boat etc.



Oops I should have proof read that more, but thanks for pointing that out.


Also that image is pretty hilarious.

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I fully support this mod.


I have been recently playing Daggerfall and I think that it is one of the best elder scrolls games and one of the reasons is because of its scale. Thousands of towns, huge dungeons and cities that actually look like cities, rather than small towns.

Sure it can sometimes look much the same but just look at the content Daggerfall had compared to the other elder scrolls games.


1:1 scale would be perfect anything less would be scaling down, if anything Skyrim should be BIGGER than Daggerfall.


Some suggestions of features this mod should have:


- The new landscape should be randomly generated with towns, dungeons, inns, temples and over locations being either added or generated on to it.

- All most every location should be available to fast travel to

- The ones that available could be discoverable by the player buying or finding maps.

- Fast travel should be like in Daggerfall i.e. being given a choice whether to stop at inns or camp out, whether you want to travel recklessly or cautiously, whether you want to travel by foot, house, boat etc.

- More features should be added to fast travel, for instance there should be a small chance of random encounters every time they fast travel i.e. bandit ambushes, dragon attacks etc.

- The cities should be a lot bigger. This could be done by having the main pre build vanilla city areas being like the city centres. While having a larger randomly generated city scape surrounding it.

- Most cites should also be walled with gates that close at night time (allowing the cities to be open as well as walled).

- You also should be able people the directions to locations within the cities, towns etc.



I see, that means I have to generate random content in the "in-between" cells :D

Okay, seems possible enough, it shouldn't take too much PC resources :D


Thank you very much for your input, everything will be clear after creation kit is released.


Yeah^^, I fell in love with Daggerfall too hahahahahahahaha XD

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Thousands of towns, huge dungeons and cities that actually look like cities, rather than small towns.


THIS. Although this will be a giant pain to do. First off, the actual building size is pretty good. Doubling the size of the buildings and doors would make the game look stupid. The way this is turning out, I would think that the houses would have to be spread out, then the gaps filled in. Or, keep them where they are and fix the seams, then fill in the surrounding space. With a double sized (or even triple sized) Skyrim, the vanilla towns will look even smaller.

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