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If you became the leader of your nation...


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*Sigh* I'm not talking about Britain here


*Sighs even louder at yet another socialist* -( please don't patronise me, me duck.) Well I am, as an example of why your beloved socialist style manifesto would not work. The likes of jim_uk and myself are speaking from bitter experience rather than theory. You certainly wouldn't be making the trains run on time if you nationalised the railways because the socialist brothers in the unions would be too busy going on strike to actually drive the damned trains. Nowadays we huff and puff if the train is a couple of minutes late. In the days of nationalisation we were lucky if it was *only* an hour late. No wonder we Brits cannot be weaned from travelling by car, it all stems from those bad old days that made us desert public transport in earnest.


And whatever makes you think that a Nationalised Health Care System would stop the scandal of old people being left to starve lying in their own faeces? Happens all the time in the NHS.

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**Sighs** even longer....Why is it that the advocates for paternal big government think that it could run industry better than private enterprise when in most cases Big Government can hardly run itself much less the nationalized industries it takes over without continually going back to the tax/rate payers for more capital after having run "insert named industry here" into the ground?
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I am pretty sure unions are not constantly on strike and will always refuse to do their jobs. That is not how it is in the US anyways.


I will ask again what the benefit is to privatizing a bunch of stuff, then deregulating it.


Also I will say again that experience does not matter if it is not universal. I could have the experience of seeing a "ghost", that does not mean the entire world should agree that ghosts exist does it? Experience is only valid to back up evidence, not as the sole piece of evidence.


You can say that from your experience trains run fine when they are privately owned. If you can not provide evidence for that statement it does not matter.


I really don't even know why I post here when people seem to think that "experience" is more important then evidence in a debate. Experience without evidence is a baseless claim.


Just because the government will own certain things such as healthcare does not mean that the government is an evil big brother. Clearly since our government owns a huge security system it is terrible and we have to privatize that too right? Keep in mind that the same person saying this whole "big government" crap supports forced labor for your government because it makes you a proper patriot.


Companies run themselves for profit. If companies can get away with it they will do terrible things for personal gain. What people fail to understand is that the job of the government is to not profit off of their programs, it is to help and protect people within their country. Companies fail because they can not get a good enough profit margin. Government programs fail because they are either incorrectly done or do not have proper taxation funding.


You need to get it out of your head that government run programs are exactly like private businesses. They run through entirely different methods then a private company.

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*Sighs even louder at yet another socialist* -( please don't patronise me, me duck.) Well I am, as an example of why your beloved socialist style manifesto would not work. The likes of jim_uk and myself are speaking from bitter experience rather than theory. You certainly wouldn't be making the trains run on time if you nationalised the railways because the socialist brothers in the unions would be too busy going on strike to actually drive the damned trains. Nowadays we huff and puff if the train is a couple of minutes late. In the days of nationalisation we were lucky if it was *only* an hour late. No wonder we Brits cannot be weaned from travelling by car, it all stems from those bad old days that made us desert public transport in earnest.


And whatever makes you think that a Nationalised Health Care System would stop the scandal of old people being left to starve lying in their own faeces? Happens all the time in the NHS.


You can talk about your personal experiences all you want, I posted some valid examples on how deregulation has turned certain things for the worse in my country (which isn't Britain, looks like I have to keep reminding you about that). Unless my eyes deceive me, the topic title is 'If you became the leader of your nation...' not 'If you became the leader of Britain' so whatever goes on there isn't automatically applicable worldwide.


Awesome. It's like a conference of passive-aggressive asthmatics.


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Why would deregulation help? Can someone explain that to me?


Doesn't seem to make much sense.


Over regulation costs money and makes your businesses uncompetitive, there's a reason why the east is rolling in money while the west is facing going broke. Take a look at the E.U, it's on the point of collapse, it's a great example of what happens when you combine over regulation with socialist spend and waste policies.


This is worth watching, it's a conservative MEP putting the then PM straight on a few things.



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*Sighs even louder at yet another socialist* -( please don't patronise me, me duck.) Well I am, as an example of why your beloved socialist style manifesto would not work. The likes of jim_uk and myself are speaking from bitter experience rather than theory. You certainly wouldn't be making the trains run on time if you nationalised the railways because the socialist brothers in the unions would be too busy going on strike to actually drive the damned trains. Nowadays we huff and puff if the train is a couple of minutes late. In the days of nationalisation we were lucky if it was *only* an hour late. No wonder we Brits cannot be weaned from travelling by car, it all stems from those bad old days that made us desert public transport in earnest.


And whatever makes you think that a Nationalised Health Care System would stop the scandal of old people being left to starve lying in their own faeces? Happens all the time in the NHS.


You can talk about your personal experiences all you want, I posted some valid examples on how deregulation has turned certain things for the worse in my country (which isn't Britain, looks like I have to keep reminding you about that). Unless my eyes deceive me, the topic title is 'If you became the leader of your nation...' not 'If you became the leader of Britain' so whatever goes on there isn't automatically applicable worldwide.


Awesome. It's like a conference of passive-aggressive asthmatics.



I know very well what the title of the topic is, thankyou very much. I can read (it was still a compulsory stipulation for going to university in my day) and once more you are being extremely patronising. I know very well you aren't from Britain and presume that English is not your native language, so I guess you have no idea just how rude and condescending you are sounding. I am merely quoting real life situations, which happen to come from Britain as that is where I live and where we have "Been there, done that, got ourselves to the very brink of national bankruptcy doing it" in pursuit of the kind of socialist society which you are promoting. In other words, merely holding it as an example of how not to do it and why your ideas would not work out.


LOL passive aggressive is something I have never been accused of either Granny (although certainly I too am asthmatic). Aggressive yes, after all I am red haired, rather tall and ride around in a war chariot...


*Note to Ita. Another couple of British traits are sarcasm and self deprecation, both of which are present in this post.


@hoofhearted - I think you would get an excellent following on that manifesto.

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