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Wife Life mod


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Hello guys, I was wondering if you feel bad about your wife too. Once you get married, she's trapped in your own house, and all she does is sitting on a chair eating bread.


Is it possible to create a mod where your wife walks outside your door, just like every other NPC? Also, since she starts selling stuff, why not add her own stall in the market, or near the house?

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Agreed. It'd also help if there were several 'wife' personalities, or at least something beyond the 'ilu dear <3' soppishness that every female NPC in the game automatically becomes after marriage. I mean, seriously? Aela? Mjoll? Where did you go?


Yes, that'd be the most important feature we should try to change: choosing your wife/husband it's just a mere physical choice, since you don't have any bonus marrying one woman or another. They all say the same things, do the same things, etc.

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I would download a mod like this, I was disappointed that marriage basically consisted having a personal chef and 100 extra gold a day. Any expanded depth would be a plus, though it is not at the top of my list of wanted mods
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I just dream about marriage mod where you can make babies. :D change her clothing, involve her in some plots (she can spy for you gathering useful informations.)

It will be useful that prices of thing vary from town to town (in Riften fish will be cheap, obvoiusly and gold will be much cheeper in town near gold mine! that will make more sence and if you are persistent enough you will be rich. )

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