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Frames getting me stuck here....any advice?

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Ok, my frame rate isnt that great mind you so it makes the game a bit tricky....now i'm wondering....why I cant get across the bridge with the wounded king in the prologue after he ends up blowing fire and separating us... i can get as far as ducking out of the way as he breathes fire along the bridge at me and after picking up and beginning to run I have yet to have gotten past when the dragon is crushing on the left side of the stone bridge while chasing us....he ends up smacking us and we die and i get to reload the save and do it all over again it seems. is there some sort of dodge move or some way to get a boost of speed that i'm not aware of?


really enthusiastic about this game so far and will be again after but right now this damn section is a hindrance....don't want crap like this to ruin it for me. just recently got back into gaming after many years away....



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If you`re running a video card that is running close to the minimum specs where lag is a problem . Then you might need to lower the screen resolution to achieve a more decent framerate . Also if you don`t have a top of the line gaming rig disable ubersamplng . Ubersampling is for a beast of a machine that has SLI or Crossfire as the primary setup . There is also something else you might try when in game press esc then options and then gameplay and uncheck difficult QTE then go back in game to see if you can get by the dragon .
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warning: mild spoiler ahead




Is not the part where you need to climb the tower and use the new hole that dragon graciously makes there to jump on the roofs bellow, and from there inside the building leading to the other side of the city? ... from there you find that good guy that regrets to send you to the headman, follow him and near the scene's end you have chance to choose to follow him (the imperial) or that stormcloack pal from the start... I'm not sure how this choice affects the game afterward id affects at all (other than giving easier access to smithing in the form of the guy's uncle and a few free ingots if following the imperial).



Edit: I fear I'm mistaken about the part of the game, sorry if so because the answer is less than useful :)

Edited by nosisab
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I thought you were after better framrates to decrease lag where you could then finish that part of the quest .


OK try pressing and holding the "S" key just as soon as the cutscene ends and do not watch whats happening on the screen but instead watch the center of the screen where the QTE will show which mouse button to click and keep pressing and holding the "S" key .

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  • 3 weeks later...

Yea, I figured Enough is enough with this whole me "never being anywhere near able to play fluidly new games" status I've been plagued with since....crap.....birth, I guess. I went out and bought a new Video Card and now I'm trying to decide if for some reason I'm wanting all of the settings maxed because of personal opinion of what looks better to me since it's not mattering anymore as far as the frames during gameplay are concerned. Oh what a dream.....rofl. if only i had this type of visual capabilities when I played World's of Warcraft....PvP woulda been hell for anyone out there going up against me. I was a beast with horrible playability even then, still!



Anyways, thanks for the replies guys...situation is now more than resolved! =)




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