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Are Female Armors Denigrating?



102 members have voted

  1. 1. Female armors are denigrating.

    • Yes they are offensive. (Male perspective)
    • No they are just a style choice.(Male perspective)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Male perspective)
    • Yes they are offensive. (Female perspective.)
    • No they are just another style choice. (Female perspective.)
    • It's just another immersion choice. (Female perspective.)

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Well here is another one for that kind of people that like realism in fantasy computer games and like to tank in full plate ... How long does it in reality to take on a medieval full plate armour in and how much time (game terms) passes if you get on your Full plate on ?

Not very long usually. If you don't have a sharp point to stab through the armor, you usually just have to knock them over and laugh as they try to right themselves. A knight in full plate usually needed help just mounting a horse, nevermind having to get up from being knocked on the flat of their back. Full plate, as the sort that you normally see in late game MMOs is usually the sort of thing people only wore for short periods of time due to its weight and cost. Even when wearing a lighter suit for warfare, and properly fitted all that metal was usually enough to limit mobility on the battlefield to short distances when not on horseback. A person wouldn't usually go onto the battlefield wearing the cost of a modest estate worth of metal around their body. It would be like driving a high-end sports car into a battlefield. Heavy armor like that was usually reserved for duels, parades and tournaments.

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Yes I know these facts ..

1st. I want to add to complete this then that it needed one to two people to get the knight dressed in full plate ( not splendor plate ("Prunk Plattenpanzer" or "Prunkharnisch" as the ones where called in German that you mentioned in your post )) and it needed 3 to 4 people to get him on the throne .. ops wrong ... , no not the throne in a bathroom either, sorry, .. on horse back! This could take up to 2 hours depending on armor and medieval period.

2nd. I was more concerned about the issue that a lot of games don't take properly in account that doing on armor does take some game time.

3rd. I over exaggerated it on purposes so you can have either a lol or you see what the difference is on getting into different kinds of armors.

4th. The more parts an armor has the longer it takes to get them on. no one will dispute this



The anti-thesis to your posted picture is then a well know image of Borat (Sacha Baron Cohen) in a neon swimsuit.. ..if I got it right? :wacko::unsure::ermm:

Edited by SilverDNA
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Well here is another one for that kind of people that like realism in fantasy computer games and like to tank in full plate ... How long does it in reality to take on a medieval full plate armour in and how much time (game terms) passes if you get on your Full plate on ?

Not very long usually. If you don't have a sharp point to stab through the armor, you usually just have to knock them over and laugh as they try to right themselves. A knight in full plate usually needed help just mounting a horse, nevermind having to get up from being knocked on the flat of their back. Full plate, as the sort that you normally see in late game MMOs is usually the sort of thing people only wore for short periods of time due to its weight and cost. Even when wearing a lighter suit for warfare, and properly fitted all that metal was usually enough to limit mobility on the battlefield to short distances when not on horseback. A person wouldn't usually go onto the battlefield wearing the cost of a modest estate worth of metal around their body. It would be like driving a high-end sports car into a battlefield. Heavy armor like that was usually reserved for duels, parades and tournaments.


One of the few times that I will find myself in complete agreement with you Vagrant0.


Liked your post also SilverDNA, and especially noted the humour!


Myrmaad I'd agree with you that the Nightingale Armor looks good, Emilie does not feel that it is denigrating although it could certainly be argues as being badass and sexy;-



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I like the Nightingale set too :) Basically, I think having a capable and powerful character is enough for me, and looking the part is even more awesome. :) Not that it's impossible to look the part in tiny armour like the Forsworn and fur sets, obviously, but there's a difference between that and "lol she looks like she's doing a PETA campaign by running around the wilderness dressed like Katie Price", really.
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The part you're missing though is that this is a game. Nobody is going to play a game where they have to stand around practically immobile for 1-2 hours while they have different armor fitted to them every time they change equipment. Like in the case here, reality is second to practicality or establishing a desired aesthetic. You might as well complain why games don't have you answering to the call of nature every 3-5 hours (at 30x timescale) or why female characters aren't affected by their monthlies. Or why players can't accidentally cripple themselves permanently from a bad fight or falling off a ledge wearing armor. It's aspects like these which normally wouldn't play out well, and would arguably ruin most games... Unless the idea of Call of Duty:Filing Clerk seems like a good idea to you.

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The part you're missing though is that this is a game. Nobody is going to play a game where they have to stand around practically immobile for 1-2 hours while they have different armor fitted to them every time they change equipment. Like in the case here, reality is second to practicality or establishing a desired aesthetic. You might as well complain why games don't have you answering to the call of nature every 3-5 hours (at 30x timescale) or why female characters aren't affected by their monthlies. Or why players can't accidentally cripple themselves permanently from a bad fight or falling off a ledge wearing armor. It's aspects like these which normally wouldn't play out well, and would arguably ruin most games... Unless the idea of Call of Duty:Filing Clerk seems like a good idea to you.


@ Vargant

I could do with some passed time on changing armor (not nessary clothes). this is nagging on me since I play fantasy computer games (80's) and I think it is possible to solve thou a global script, but my scripting skills aren't that great. (I have only minor skills in scripting. I should start to give some perks into this. Making metal note to self.... just a second... )


On the other things you have proposed, if they are applied by the programmers, or are additional modded into the game I take them and be happy to have a bit more immersion, but I personally could live without them as well.


And I like to have different armors in design and style. I don't care if they are skimpy as long as they give me a different style to the game, aside from the vanilla ones that are come mostly along and look often look boring after 100 hours of gaming.


I'm happy to found here modders that make armors that i like. As i started here I've gone throug all of the at that time it was about 170 pages of armors for oblivion. I'm still grateful for this option and especially to the modders that made my game look interesting and less dull.

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Unless the idea of Call of Duty:Filing Clerk seems like a good idea to you.

Would be better then the COD games today :whistling:


The thing is that you need to have a balance of realism in games. Too much will make the game completely unplayable. Too little makes the game ridiculous. Which is actually fine in my book if that is what the game dev is aiming for. Seriously RPGs should not have little realism though. Something like fallout can go a lot further with silly stuff but TES is a pretty serious series.


In a vanilla TES game I don't think armor should be put in that is just not efficient. I also dislike mods that do it since I still find it unimmersive, but with mods I don't have a huge problem with it.

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Hey you know whats amazing about this thread .Its amazing how many responses have been posted on a subject that basically has been dealing with how women should be dressed (leans in that direction). So either we have a tendency of obsessiveness in this regard or everyone deep down wants to be a fashion diva .Interesting.
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Anyone actually thought of Boudica, Queen of the British Iceni tribes, who led a violent and and almost successful revolt against the Roman invaders? She was certainly no housewife, and her revolts nearly booted the Romans out of Britain :P


I'm also pretty sure she didn't face the Romans in a bikini armor.


Anyone wearing bikini armour in Britain would likely freeze to death before the enemy appeared on the field.





Yes I "thought" of her, and I'm quite interested in what you imagine she (and her tribe) were wearing.


If the paintings and statues are correct she wore much the same as other Britons of the day, woollen plaid drapery with very little in the way of armour if any.

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