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Multiplayer DLC for skyrim


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I got my nose full of MMOs. I don't want to play with all these idiots on the 'net you meet in WOW all the time. TES isn't designed as MMO from start, and I don't get it, why everyone believes its all going to be better with just more players.
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Would I pay for it? Sure would!


Will it happen? Sure won't!


The current projects are basically forcefully hacking multiplayer into Skyrim and they'll likely never be stable enough to be marketable. If Bethesda wanted to implement multiplayer they would need to consider this problem and basically do engine-level adjustments to account for the plethora of problems that would arise. This would likely cost more than it was worth in development and QA. Then they would need to pretty much redesign the game to have some semblance of online balance, and seeing as single player has not even a passing concept of balance it's unlikely this would be an easy task for designers, either.

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I'd like to see something like previously mentioned private rooms with 2-4 people that I know. Not MMO-sized, and I wouldn't want Bethesda to do it. They let enough bugs through. There's too many minor details to make it feasible though. Something like a character/mod import in to a dedicated folder that makes sure that everyone is using the same mods when online.
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I would kill (snip) a basic cross platform coop


There we go, thats better.


Personally, i don't know why people keep going on about "Oh, we want Multi Player" and "Single Player games are so last decade". I cannot see any appeal to making Skyrim even co-op. The entire TES series is about singular heroes rising to power and challenging forces which would make gods think twice (Though the execution always leaves one somewhat wanting afterwards). Adding more people into that just diminishes the heroic acomplishment and breaks the universe. Even having Companions in Skyrim is pushing it, and in my mind born more from the massive volume of companion mods which have come out for Oblivion and Morrowind. In other words, i feel its catering to public demand rather than being a good idea.


The ONLY way i feel TES games could pull off any type of multiplayer is in a manner similar to LotR; War in the North. That is, having 3-4 set characters which are always present in the party, but whom other players can jump in-and-out of as the story progresses. This, however, would lead to a very linear gameplay experience, as you would be unable to develop your own individual character and rather be saddled with a character type.


The story based involvement of 4, completely independantly designed and determined characters is something which would be well, well beyond Bethesda's story telling skills, and in all likelyhood beyond that of any Game company to date. It would either require the movement of the PC's to the perepheral of the world, acting alongside directed story characters (Ala World of Warcraft) or the complete displacement of the game from the TES universe and timeline.


To me, at least, there is nothing attractive about the idea of Multiplayer in a TES game.

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I see a lot of negatives about this topic. I for one would love it if my husband could play with me. Either via Lan connection on our PC's or by plugging a second controller in to my PC. I LOVE Skyrim and play it a LOT. Have already "beaten" the game once and working on another round. But when I get sucked into Skyrim my poor hubby ends up bored at his PC just kind of sitting there farting around by himself on SWTOR or something. While yes, I see that he could be playing Skyrim too, we've done that. It's not the same as when we play together in a game. That and he's such a badass at games that when we do play together he makes it like easy mode for me lol. I just follow him around and toss a heal once in a while.. he kills everything for me! haha.

That's as far as I would take it though.. 2 player max. More than that and it would feel like another MMO.. and My bank account has seen enough of WoW, Rift, and SWTOR to make me feel guilty for spending $5 on a Starbucks coffee. I don't need another money/time drain.... Just a thought.

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Something people that wish multiplayer don´t seem to realise is that if the game had multiplayer/coop wouldn´t be as good as it is because they would spend time with multiplayer features rather than spending precious time doing what they did with the game.In the end a multiplayer skyrim would be far inferior to the single player skyrim, it would lack most features we have in game now.Look at red dead redemption, even though the single player was nice the coop mode is just riding around the world map with friends with really few bandit hideouts to clear, it became boring really fast.
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It would be possible to implement a MMORPG Elder Scrolls game. But you would have to start from scratch, and it would have to be drastically dumbed-down.


Could you really have quests? Daedric quests? How would you reconcile "unique" items in a world with 10,000 players? Would all NPCs have to be unkillable? Hell, you would probably have to disable all offensive abilities inside of towns.


How would you fight? You have to make the menu real-time. This means hotkeying everything you could need, or do like other MMORPGs and have a menu covering half the screen showing all your items. Or make it voice command. I have seen PC guys do some fun things with the Kinect.


When all was said and done, you would have a game where the only purpose would be to collect materials, build things, go on raids, and chat. You know, pretty much exactly like WoW with a thin Elder Scrolls veneer.

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