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Help with Mod Organizer "Overwrite Mod"


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Hi all. Since SSE was recently released, it got me wanting to play skyrim again. I dont have 8gb of ram in my system so I can't play SSE. I never played skyrim on the PC (ive never played a game on the PC since like the very 1st Kings Quest game...back on my IBM PCjr when I was a wee hatchling.


Anyway... I have started downloading and installing mods. At first I went with NMM because it was what I saw suggested everywhere. That lasted about 3 days before I had to uninstall skyrim and try again. So this time I went with MO. The virtual file system was a winner in my eyes. Hopefully I won't ever have to reinstall the game again. Also I won't have to worry about my saves when removing mods.


Now my question. Can someone, anyone please for the love of god help me understand the overwrite file? I understand what it does. What I dont understand is how to properly remove things from there and what to do with them after removal from there....


After running LOOT through MO, I get 1 potential problem. The overwrite file. So if I double click on overwrite, it brings up SKSE. I break it down and I have plugins then I select plugins, I have "HDTPhysicsExtensions.log" as well as "SimplyKnockData" I can click it and it says profile1.json and common.Json


What I need help with is the proper way to solve this issue. Ive seen the right click for new mod stuff but I dont really get what I should do after I create a new mod. I mean I take it I should do it for both HDTPhysics and SimplyKnock, but after I "create" the new mod I have no idea what to do after that. The instructions aren't clear.


Can anyone PLEASE help me?

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The only reason I am wanting to completely get this down is that I am considering installing FNIS.


But I dont really know much about it other than what I read on the mod description. Plus it seems like its a lot of trouble. Is FNIS worth the trouble of fully understanding the overwrite file as well as the proper installation and running of FNIS through MO? Is it worth all these hours I'm giving it?

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you might have to worry about your saves when removing mods still. that stuff in your overwrite now is just volatile data that's made on-the-fly from within skyrim. if you right-click overwrite and hit 'create mod' you can just name it 'runtime' or something and then it will be overwritten there and not in your overwrite. same with fnis: when you run fnis, create a mod using the files in overwrite and name it whatever you want (mine is 'fnis files').


another helpful tip in case you didn't know already: do not let mod organizer rearrange your plugins at any point ever.

Edited by ymf331
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