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Female plate armor with or without breast cups.


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I'd like to point out a few things.


First, considering the lack of general sexual preferance for fighters in TES and other fantasy games, i feel it is more appropriate to apply modern armouring standards than historic ones.


Second, up until recently, modern body armour has been made to a male standard. The American, Brittish and Canadian armed forces have invested only in the last 2 years in developing armour particular to women. These armours include designs to acomidate a more tapered waist, wider hips and a different 'weight distribution' through the chest.


Third, there is a fantasy element to it, which is entirely artistic admitedly. It is something of a throwback to the days when only men were interested in fantasy, but in my personal experience it also caters to a socially reinforced notion that women should look different then men in their dress.


Finally, i have personally partaken in an experement to determine the protectiveness of a midieval, classical and 'amazon' breastplate against a blade, hammer and longbow. In all cases, the shaped 'amazon' plate offered more resistance than either of the others.


It may not be historically accurate (Though may be contextually, that remains debateable) but it looks appealing and in fact offers greater protection... Whats the problem?

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Actually women DO were plat armor today and in the past in this one sport called.....Kendo (it's a Japanese sport) and the breast plat that women were is a standard male plat just one size larger.


Sorry if I am nacroing a post but this is a slightly relevant fact.

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Ok so it's been heatedly debated, argued, angrily shouted and flamed over breast cups on female plate armor breast plates.


for real? men I must have missed it. Its a "life and death" question after all is it?


Lets see, Women have bigger and "rounder" Breasts while men have broader and somewhat "flatter" Breasts, lets see.....hmmm....maybe....no.....or......nay......of course......no....i give up its too difficult for me!

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