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unknown_grass: Oblivion 2011


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I installed the mod compilation those crazy kids call Morrowind: 2011. When it first starts loading a message pops up saying there are some missing master files, and asks to continue. I click okay and it almost completely loads before poping up saying file unknown_grass could not be loacated. I then have to exit game. I saw a blog were someone had the same problem, but it was in another language.....booooo! Anyone else come across this.
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Check the file requirments. You may be missing one.


It seems you're title also includes "Oblivion." Sure the mod isn't for Oblivion and not Morrowind?


If you want to continue playing, deactivate or uninstall the mod, as that solves EVERY problem with it, though you can't use it....


If you want a modern graphic Morrowind, use MGE.

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