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Cell de-renderer?


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All right, so a lot of this is just off of speculation, but whenever I start up Skyrim, it runs perfectly and smoothly. However, whenever I travel a bit, to different towns and whatnot, it begins to slow down, and I get a severe FPS drop in areas such as in front of the Dark Brotherhood Sanctuary, or just outside of Dawnstar.

Again though, whenever I save in that area, and reboot Skyrim, it runs fine.


I assume this is because there are so many cells or areas loaded.


Is it possible to make some kind of mod that refreshes or unloads those areas after a set-amount of fast-travels/transitions?

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IIRC there is a console command that clears those loaded cells.


You could make a bat file that does it and run the bat periodically, but I dont think there is a mod to do that regularly yet.


I imagine it wouldnt be too complex though. You could probably do it with the extended script engine.

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IIRC there is a console command that clears those loaded cells.


You could make a bat file that does it and run the bat periodically, but I dont think there is a mod to do that regularly yet.


I imagine it wouldnt be too complex though. You could probably do it with the extended script engine.


What command might this be?

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You want to hit the tilde key and type in pcb and hit enter. This will purge the cell buffer.

So it would be:

`, pcb, enter, `


Lol, getting a little pre-K on me?

All joking aside, I am most thankful for your insight. Hopefully this'll improve my gameplay a bit.

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