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Proper Sanctuary bridge fix


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Lets face it, the bridge in Sanctuary is indeed lore friendly - but its a freaking eye sore! There are several fixes available, but the textures are either horrible or the mod is incomplete/dead. And the fact that there's no vanilla way to either fix or upgrade it should make this bridge a valid target for modders to attack. IMO, a good and simple replacer mod that doesn't hurt the eyes, will go down in FO4 mod history. Many players would love to see a good Sanctuary bridge fix, I know I do!


Personally, I would prefer a lore friendly (broken asphalt and what not) concrete version as direct replacement. An attempt at this can be found here: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/14834/? But this is an incomplete mod that seems to have been abandoned.


Thank you for considering my request!




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Have you tried that one? Works great for me. Immersive, very enjoyable, and I think the bridge looks fine. A couple issues to consider, so read the description. Also, a couple of the house roofs have odd mesh issues (I guess), but look fine. I only discovered them after a long time of building out sanctuary.

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I just tried out that mod. It is complete, but it does need to be cleaned in FO4Edit to remove identical to master and undelete and disable references as a precautionary measure. Navmesh works fine as my companion made their way across.

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A great question!

there are a few existing mods and options.

I'll cover a different approach -

"what is the final envisaged 'look' you're going for?"

Petard and Tyrannicon suggest this is a great thing to ask before you mod something,

maybe sketch it or so, and have a clear picture in mind.


you can try and replace that wooden bridge,

with a pre-war 'highway' bridge or concrete roadbridge in the

'ploppable roadways' mod.

You will need to adjust the scale, and you will need no-clip/place anywhere to make that happen.

You simply align the part to the road,

IIRC the scale was 0,85 or so...

then, you place the concrete overpass or road into the existing wood structure.

job done! :smile:

the hardest part is aligning the pieces without snap... it is a 15mins or so thing.


the elevated highway pylon part 3 flat looks pretty good too,

you see these at Lexington a lot.

you just put some scaffolding around it, and it looks like they are trying to repair it or so...


Do you want a train rail-way overpass style truss bridge?

there is a mod for that too...

Above: a link to Petards' how to guide.

you simply place the snap-and-build pylons under the bridge along the exterior,

phase the overpass along the top of the bridge,

and you're done!

the wooden 'underbridge'

can become part of a structure, such as a house or barn

that someone has made post-war.

You can also then put in say, an elevator mod -

the window-washer kind, or the proper blue cage or

wasteland rustic kind...

and people can go to 'the under-bridge'.

There's even a paddlesteamer wrecked wheel mod

which will look GREAT as a 'water-wheel"

to make it look like Sanctuary has a water wheel near the bridge.


folks are working on a 'barn' mod to make those

'rustic american barn style bridges', so look out for

'ploppable barns'.

in the meantime, Snap-n-build's greenhouse and barn mod,

will give you snappable barn-like awesome that you can build over the outside of the bridge.



I hope I've given you some ideas there for the look,

and hopefully we see a bridge-patch as a standalone mod option.

Edited by montky
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