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How to put clothes back on naked NPC's???


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Ok, I'm a perv... and tried out the undress mod on Lydia.

Now I want to make her get dressed again. Is there a command to do so?


She gets dressed if I leave my house (where I make her stay), but as soon as she's back home... back to being nude again.

I've tried swapping out her armor... no dice.


Any ideas?

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Go to first person view. Open the console command, click on Lydia or whoever and you will see a series of numbers, that is the npc id number. then type disable. the npc will disappear. then type enable and the npc will reappear. make sure you don't close the console of click on anything else or you will lose the npc id and you are screwed and have to reload a save from before you disabled the npc
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  • 2 weeks later...

Go to first person view. Open the console command, click on Lydia or whoever and you will see a series of numbers, that is the npc id number. then type disable. the npc will disappear. then type enable and the npc will reappear. make sure you don't close the console of click on anything else or you will lose the npc id and you are screwed and have to reload a save from before you disabled the npc




Somehow, LYDIA put back on armor last night. But good to know when I strip down another NPC.

Will that also force them to where anything I reverse pickpocket to them, or revert them to their original clothing?

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  • 3 years later...

Open the console;



Find the items you want him to wear and look for the FormID.

1 - Item Name (FormID) (other stuff)

Then enter:

EquipItem FormID

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  • 8 months later...


I've been noticing people are thread necromancing a lot these days, don't know where it is coming from to be honest... Any admins can clue us in?

This is an important topic. And it doesn't have 50+ pages to click through.


Excellent point. I have seen this question asked in other forums twice this month. Characters besides Lydia and Sofia like to drop their clothes. Might be due to Blackbriar Mead or it might not. It is still good to redress them.

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