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Creating a custom shape in 3ds max and Nifscope


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Hello there,

I have modeled in 3dsmax for ages and I wanted to take a crack at modding the shapes in skyrim for others.

Although I do not know where to find resources to help me so i thought I would ask.


Tools I have:

3ds Max 2011



So as a test I took a body mod i knew worked in skyrim. I exported the body shape from Nifscope as an .obj, I imported it into max and made some very visible changes to the body so i would know the new modifications worked.

I exported the .obj from max and back into Nifscope, (Still had the other modders "femalebody_1.nif" open and imported the new .obj mesh into that one)


Well as you can tell it didn't work.


The issue is I am not sure the process of exporting and importing into max for the shape to work.

Do I need a custom bone rig in 3ds max? Is there a special way to apply the bones to the mesh in Nifscope?


Any help is greatly appreciated and I would gladly share my outcome and end product with everyone.


Thank you for your time.

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