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What is the best mod to MAKE a companion wear the armor or set of clothing you choose for them?


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I have had terrible trouble trying to install the Nexus Mod Manager (and I have a very high end computer with a high end graphics card). I continue to get error messages that I don't have permission to write....... I think there is a conflict with my anti virus software.


However, I have had some good success manually downloading and installing mods, as long as they are fairly vanilla and don't require CBBE or other mods that require previous mods to install.


Is there a vanilla mod for alternative armor and clothing that can be downloaded. Secondly, is there a mod that MAKES a companion wear them. As it stands, I cannot make companions wear anything else unless it it an upgrade to their generic armor. I am thinking of Aela and Jordis in particular.



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As it stands, I cannot make companions wear anything else unless it it an upgrade to their generic armor. I am thinking of Aela and Jordis in particular.


Followers will always wear their standard outfit as long as it has better stats than what you try to give them. I think this is hardcoded in the engine and you cannot change that with a mod.


BUT with the Creation Kit you can change for every NPC what outfit will be the standard outfit. This could be a vanilla outfit (e.g. Daedric armor for Aela) or an outfit from an armor mod. But still you would have to do this on your own. There are some mods out there that give certain NPCs different outfits (armor) but only the outfit the mod author chose for them.


I have had terrible trouble trying to install the Nexus Mod Manager (and I have a very high end computer with a high end graphics card).



The NMM would even run on a low end computer with no graphics card at all btw.

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Is there a vanilla mod for alternative armor and clothing that can be downloaded. Secondly, is there a mod that MAKES a companion wear them. As it stands, I cannot make companions wear anything else unless it it an upgrade to their generic armor. I am thinking of Aela and Jordis in particular.

There are a bunch of mods that do this. Follower mods like EFF and IAFT allow you to do it and offer a lot of other follower control features (making them essential/protected, changing their combat styles, having them go into sandbox mode to interact with the environment when standing around, etc.).


EFF - more about convenience: has a lot of features including it's own menu wheel to quickly give commands or configure followers

IAFT - more about immersion: you can tell a follower to only wear helmets in combat, or configure 3 different outfits for general use, cities, home

Look around on the nexus if you don't like these.

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