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Her Friendship's Folly


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Part 1: Voices



“Look at you! You’re Fine!”


“No, I’m not. I’m not who you think I am.”


“Then who? Who are you Mr. Mystery Man? I’m telling you, you’re worrying for nothing. What happened to Maria wasn’t your fault, and who the hell knows what’s gotten the best of Paul?”


Am I? Was she right? Was Cheyenne really sincere with her moment of brief compassion, or deep down, was she willing to admit that something wasn’t quite right?



“Kill her. Kill the b**** now.”


“No! Don’t listen to him. Look at her, look at her beautiful face, that hourglass figure. She’s your childhood sweetheart. Don’t throw her life away.”


“Oh please....don’t listen to that stick in the mud. Think about it for a moment here. She’s useless, pathetic, worthless. Imagine if you were to break her neck, how the sounds of her demise would ring like chariots, the rush of the run, that primitive, wild haste ringing like the thunder of a million chimes!”


“No….no, shut up. Both of you just shut up.”



“Alex?” I looked up through the grumbling flash of lightening. I quickly spot her eyes, even in the darkness and past the distracting pitter-patter of stainless glass rain.


The church echoed with the sounds of the autumn storm raging into the night, and I could sense that an ominous presence had descended into the shadows. It wasn’t the fear that we would be discovered. It wasn’t the fear that we weren’t alone. It was the fear of what the next moments would bring.


“Are you okay? I lost you there for a second.” She ran her soft fingers through my hair, discarding a leaf that had become entangled by vines of red.


“Yeah, I’m fine”.


She smiled innocently, “Well, that’s half of the question answered. How about the other?” That smile faded into a concerned frown, “You’re worrying for nothing Alex. It wasn’t your fault and you know that.” Technically, she was right, “Why are you so worked up about this? Why are you here?“ She took me by the hand, but I quickly slipped away, “What? What did I do?”


“Nothing, I thought I heard something”. Reluctantly, I took her hand, my eyes turning away to prevent turning back into hers. We both stepped down from the alter and turned back to where the leafs and the rain where washing up.

The silence was foreboding. I didn’t like it here; I didn’t want to be here. So why? Why in the hell was I driven to enter this place, where it was quiet? There weren’t people to distract me, or noises to bolt to. Was I really this naïve to think that I could wipe my problems clean away by just being here? Alone? And now my foolishness….my…my carelessness…has caught the attention of Cheyenne, and I knew that she wouldn’t leave me alone until she got to the bottom of things. Being my best friend was always her greatest flaw.


“We better close this door, Alex. We don’t want everyone thinking that someone broke into the church. Well, we don’t want to lead them to us, anyway.”



“Kill her…”





She turned around with a bewildered, “No?”


“No…we wouldn’t want that at all.” I quickly retorted, fiddling my fingers.





“Just one little swing…She won’t even see it coming. Take the hammer and…”



“Shut up.”


She turned around again, taking her finger off of the nail and unconsciously setting the hammer down, this time suspicious, “What?”



“Grab her by the neck. Throttle her, slam her head into the door, crack her skull!”





“Stop what? If we don’t bolt up this-”



“Rip the life from her expectant carcass. Death is inescapable. Be that messenger, take her life, feel her blood trickle down your fingers!” I shook my head desperately, hitting it over and over again with my hand uselessly.




“No, I won’t listen.”



“Kill her.”









“Alex? Alex, what’s wrong?”


“NO! Stop, please! Get away from me, go away!” Tears tumbled down my cheeks, but the rain made them undistinguishable. It didn’t matter anyway. Crying was futile; crying was to be in vein.


“What? Is it me?” She briefly turned back to the nails, and then back to me, “Did I do something wrong?”


“Dear God, make it stop! Please….PLEASE!” Cheyenne shook me by the shoulders, the fear overwhelming her as we both collapsed to our knees in the pelting rain. She couldn’t understand what was happening, and there was no reason for me to believe that she could, no matter how much I was sure she wanted to.


“Make it stop…make it stop…”


“Make what stop?! Stop what Alex?! Alex! Talk to me Alex! Tell what what’s wrong!” She was hysterical, her eyes as big and deep as was her fear.


“Maria…Paul….” My eyes rolled back into my head, but before I could let go, I uttered, weakly, “C-Cheyenne….” My hands released their dying grip, and Cheyenne’s pleading words were the last I could hear before the darkness took control.


“Damn it…not again!”

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