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What exactly are the rules on uploading mod packs?


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I am currently making a mod pack for M&B: Warband. Some of the mods I have chosen are by creators who are no longer active, making it impossible for me to get their permission to upload their content on the nexus within the mod pack.


What are the rules around mod packs? As in, would I need direct permission to upload content of other users in mod pack form? (It seems like a stupid question, but I'm asking it for general clarification).



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Mod compilations are not allowed.

Even if they were allowed, we require explicit permission from the authors so if they cannot be reached = no permission.

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The Terms of Service make things perfectly clear:


  • Do not upload compilations of other users work irrespective of whether the authors of the work you would like to compile together have agreed to your using their work in your compilation. For example: no "my favourite mods" lists or "best weapon" compilations.
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Just speaking for myself, mind you, but I think that your best course of would be to release your mod and then list additional recommended mods in the mod description. That should satisfy the Bylaws and give the mod user the choice of what they wish to add with it.



The Rabbit

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  • 2 weeks later...

First, let me aplogize for the barrage of questions I'm about to ask, but I kinda need some answers too on this and things related. I'm working on a mod that does include elements from other mods, and I already knew to list those mods as requirements in order for my mod to work. But when I was working on my mod in the construction set, I noticed that one of the master files I'm using (Better Cities) had what looked like a collection of textures and meshes from other mods. The Nexus page for that mod even states that Better Cities is a compilation of several mods. So while I'm completely am with you about not uploading things like "my favorite mods" and "best weapons", would the latter be considered okay? I also have another question, is it okay when building a mod that requires another mod, to have locations/textures/meshes etc. altered to fit the mod being built? For example, Varian's Elaborate Spells has an entrance located in the IC Market District, yet if you have other mods installed, like Better Cities, then that entrance is covered up by a wall and a cart of watermelons in game. So to make the store accesible, I moved the location of the store all together in my mod. Is that considered okay? Also, If I use a texture or a mesh from another mod, and recolor or change texture all together, is that also okay, given that I give the original author credit? That just about sums it up, I just need to know these things though, because I don't want to upset the community here on the Nexus, I've already had discussions with Vorian about a patch I uploaded that helped me fix an issue I was having with the new Compiled Unique Landscapes and Better Cities where I couldn't get across the Talos Bridge and had to take the patch down because while I gave credit to the original mods, I failed to check with ALL the authors involved, which brings up another point, what do we do if an author of a mod is no longer active? Does that still mean "no permission" ? Okay, I'm done now, really. Any help would be great.




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The rule really is very simple:


When using other people's materials, get permission.

No permission? Don't use.

That's it. Not complicated.


So if modding a mod that already included other mods, you need to be able to show that each link in the chain had permission from the original creator(s). NOTE: "Giving credit" is not enough.

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That's pretty much what I've gathered from reading through other sections of the forums. No permission? Don't use. Now as far making a mod that has to have other mods installed in order to be complete, for instance having a "Required Mods" section in the description of my mod, I shouldn't need to get permission, right?


The mod I am building doesn't contain any other mods, in other words I'm not taking someone elses mod and "expanding" on it. My mod just requires other mods to be installed in order to work.


I'm still waiting on a reply from two mod owners, which okay for now as I'm still in the process of making the mod, but if I don't get a reply by the time of release, it'll just mean going back to the drawing board to make changes.



Both owners of the mods I want to use say in the description that you can use their mods iin your own as long as you give credit to them. So that's one hurdle out of the way.

Edited by Xyco1
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Correct: Mods that need other mods installed in order to work properly do not need to obtain permission from the authors of the other mods.


And listing those other mods in the "Required Mods" section is simply a courtesy to the people who will be using your mod. Back in the old days, (before the Nexus had that section as part of the upload process) authors would simply explain about the need for them in their own mods' Descriptions. :cool:

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