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Mod Project: The Code, seeking voice actors!


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The Code is a quest mod we've spent the last two months working on, and are continuing to work on. We're currently looking to find people willing to put their time and effort into helping us bring life to the 40+ unique NPCs out there. So, we've put together a casting call page, where you can find more information on the project and the characters. If you would like to know more, feel free to throw some questions at us! Myself or Eijiro Tono will get to the ASAP! Thank you for taking the time to check in.


You can find the link to the casting call club page here!



Edited by Purpleeni
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Out of curiosity (I very much doubt I have the time to do Voice Acting), would a British accent fit in anywhere? I mean, there's a lot of of potential lore bending / wriggling / avoiding to explain a Brit accent surviving 200 years in Boston.

Edited by Athanasa
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@athanasa (any relation to werner cee/athana?)

there sure are plausible ways. anyone from anywhere could try out I imagine -

with the more unique voices working their way to the final cut.


bussard, conrad, dr ross, pollo (earned name from walking into telephone pole, 'pole-oh', or paulo to friends).

spoon, sutcliffe (think matt holness or matt berry), stooge.

all of those could be possible,

you could even channel your inner dame edna/ mrs browns boys / mrs doubtfire and try out for mamie or a character like that... hehehe.


The north umbridge/new hebrides accents can survive from maine or upstate new york,

any of the 'new world' states,

or even canada in-game, as some head north to canada after the annexation.

it depends on the type of 'british accent'.


whitechapel charlie has a british VO (chav-ish) in vanilla FO4,

codsworth has a north umbridge accent,

as a robot.

Star Wars has british accents and put-on british accents for the Imperials in the OT.


so, maybe post-war was kinder to britain or elsewhere?

maybe they fled and wandered across the deserts where once seas and oceans were,

eventually arriving back in the new world?

maybe they're descended from some adult entertainers or scientists or something?

maybe the Enclave and the BoS are supranational entities,

so there's a british enclave and a british BoS, and those characters are from those?

maybe raiders watched too much "A Clockwork Orange"?


hopefully you'll try out!

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Sadly, I'm female and (apparently) have a British accent that sounds like I have a stick up my arse.


And a range from Budget Golumn to (apparently) a Camp Evil Wizard.


Actually, I have zero files of a normal voice.


(Also, my recording setup involves putting pillows all around the mic and a fleece blanket over my head.)

Edited by Athanasa
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Hey Athanasa, co-author on the project here. Please feel free to audition if you like. Of the female parts Cherry, Mamie and Sunny would be the ones that have the most flexibility on their accent. We do have a preference toward American accents because of the setting but we are open to other possibilities.

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