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Skyrim Tweaking Guide for ATI Users ?


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We have some neat stuff published for users of Nvidia owners tweaked via Nvidia Inspector tool which optimizes/beautifies Skyrim.


However I have yet to see something similar for the ATI end. I only know of the advice to disable AA and AF from the game launcher and force it through CCC -that's all.


Is there any other stuff I've missed? For example, what about Tessellation, Catalyst AI settings? Do we have other tweaks like Nvidia Inspector offers its users ?


Thanks in advance.

Edited by FightCat
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The tweak found at Tweakguides albeit redirecting to Nvidia site is useful in general fashion. Almost nothing there is nvidia specific and even where it is (like something related to nvidia control panel) it has something alike in catalyst.


As any other tweak, it should be used as a guide, depending on the machine a certain option meant to gain performance may not be needed, on the other hand it may be too much for another setup. Ideally you should try to understand what the variable does, what is sometimes trivial due to the variable's name or it's description.


With that in mind, that tutorial from tweakguides.com is one the most complete by fair amount and beyond the specific tweak for the game you may want to look at the OS tweaks lying around there.

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