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Preferred Installation Method


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Forgive me if this has already been discussed.


I'm curious which is the preferred/better method of installing mods for SSE. What is your opinion?


I've been modding for a couple years now; I built my gaming PC right out of high school so I could. I've always used NMM, although I know that MO is something I should've moved to. Now there's this new nifty in-game way of selecting, installing and "sorting" mods with SSE; however, this seems sketch. I grew to rely on LOOT, but I did pay attention to my load orders and why they were the way they were. I feel confident in my own abilities to sort mods, but I still have my reservations. Not to mention, there are discrepancies between what's available in-game and here on Nexus.


So yeah, NMM v. in-game method?


Oh, and speaking of LOOT, I wonder when that will be compatible..

Edited by Artamien
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I like NMM for smaller and simpler mod lists and it is much more new user friendly. But Mod Organizer is the better choice for larger more complex mod lists that have a lot of overlap and it is a bit more of a learning curve to use but it isn't really all that bad if you watch a tutorial video like Gophers.


Either mod manager is much better than using in game method or doing it all manually.


The new version of Loot has been officially released and so far to me it seems to be working fine for the most part but you still may need to do some manual sorting.


These are just my simple observations and opinions though I am far from an expert.

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i say its up to the user what method you use.

i am always one that likes full control, so nmm is out...and since mo is problematic right now..( yeah i know the mo2 beta), that on eis out too.

i moved over to wrye bash...and i am very happy with it, good control to do what i want. its not the most userfriendly tho.

ordering always done manual, i read the mod description very carefully, picturing what it does and the order follows from that.

manual works because i never uses a ton of mods, say at most 40 or so.

but in this way i feel i have total control, and oh yes i have made mistakes, but those are easily rectified, sofar.

i guess i am oldschool, i like to do it the slow way, adding mods one by one, keeping a save library ....hahahahaha i must be nuts lol...

this sounds more work than it is actually. when there is a kinda stable setup its just play and play and play....somehow i get very rarely a crash..lets knock on wood.

and when i played anough with this setup, i erase it all, and start again with different mods.

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I swear by Wrye Bash! It gives total control of mod installation, uninstallation and has some very handy features.


I've had over 50gb skyrim dir with over 500 mods installed!


Just know what your doing and you wont find a better mod manager!


I do however install mods if they have fomod with NMM in a temporary folder then just zip the output and give it to Wrye Bash, Since a lot of mods don't come with a bain installer.

Edited by Aminados
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Use whatever makes you comfortable at your level of skill. In-game menu is perfectly fine (albeit very cumbersome) if you know how to sort the mods yourself and don't have 200+ of them. If you need crutches or prefer a better UI, use one of the tools with fancy abbreviations.

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