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Can you receive donations if you use Mod resources?


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Yeah Donate doesnt have any requirements its just support your program.



Its seems so tricky and risky to add Donation, wherethere is in Streaming,twitch,patreon,etc.

when you had perhaps some big donation, game resource will ask you comission or some people will pretend to be.


Any donation should be cautious, thus said "there is no such thing a free lunch"

mostly loyal fans just give it away the money and try to not to disappointing them :geek:

Edited by HanzSteiger
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In March of 2012 a donations system was added to Nexus Mods that allows users to specify a Pay Pal address to accept voluntary donations through. Included in this system are two locations where users can donate to your account from; your profile and your mod pages.


Donations are classed as completely voluntary monetary transactions that yield no gain for the donator. That means that donations should only ever be offered as a way of thanking other users and never in exchange for files or updates to said files. Users are not allowed in any way, shape, or form to offer their files to other users in exchange for donations on the Nexus. If people are found in breach of this then you can expect to be banned.


We allow tactful and mild discussion of donations and links to your own external donation services provided that the above and below rules on donations are adhered to. Whether discussed on Nexus Mods or elsewhere, you cannot:

  • Charge any money for your mods at any time.
  • Charge any money for "additional files" attached to your mods. For example, you cannot charge anyone for "HD" versions or patches of your mods that non-paying users cannot access.
  • Discuss or link to places where you do discuss a charge for "stretch goals" directly related to a mod once your donations reach a certain figure (e.g. "I'll add an additional wing to my castle mod if I reach $100 in donations"). Discussion of stretch goals unrelated to the actual mods themselves is fine (e.g. "I'll release video tutorials on how I made my mod if I reach $100 in donations").

Please ensure you are respectful when talking about donations and do not "over do it". An example of "over doing it" would be having a banner or blurb of text talking about donations at the top of your mod description before you've even described what your mod does, or regularly reminding your users in the comment section of your file pages to donate. Tactful discussion of donations would be informing your users they can donate and how to donate somewhere towards the bottom of your file description and/or in your readme file, acknowledging and thanking those users who have donated and who have explicitly agreed to having that information shared with others, a single sticky post in your file comments reminding users they can donate and responses to your users who have specifically asked you how they can donate to you.


The Nexus Mods staff will have the final say on what is and isn't considered "tactful and mild discussion of donations" and we reserve the right to edit file descriptions and comments, or ask the mod author to change them under threat of a warning if they do not do so once requested. Once a formal warning is sent, that mod author will be refused the right to discuss donations in any way under penalty of a ban. In short, don't over-do it.


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Yeah Donate doesnt have any requirements its just support your program.



Its seems so tricky and risky to add Donation, wherethere is in Streaming,twitch,patreon,etc.

when you had perhaps some big donation, game resource will ask you comission or some people will pretend to be.


Any donation should be cautious, thus said "there is no such thing a free lunch"

mostly loyal fans just give it away the money and try to not to disappointing them :geek:

I don't plan to disappoint anyone. I am a story teller that likes stories more then 80% more blood mods.

The blood modes are easy to make, but to create a story is harder and you also take your own emotions and show them to the world.


So I am asking you after you read the following draft, if you would be disappointed with a mod that is based on the next story?


Daoris the Sword of Light


The sword was forged a long time ago, in era that few can remember, in a time when Nordics valued magic and praise those who had power of the mind, instead wielding a sword.

The saying in that time was:”That any warrior can wield a sword, but few can learn the mysteries of the mind”.

That were the good old days, when Mages could practice there art and help people around them.

All though a lot of people had talent with magic, few could rival the power that the masters of time weave. They could see the ancient pasts and even the distant features.

So as they looked through the veils of time they saw the beginning of an era where darkness will spread and corrupt this world.

Also this era will not see magic as art of light and mages would be considered evil and dangerous to this world.

After this vision they hurried to the high Counselors of magic, together they searched for a solution, so that the light will not fade from this world.

After months of ideas and plans they found the answer, they would create a sword using the most talented arcane smiths in all the land.

So the sword was made of holy light and gold and was ready by dawn, but the mages still had one problem the sword may get corrupted by the evil that was about to come over the land.

As they pondered this idea, one sorceress stood forward and said that she would become the sword’s guardian.

She took an oath that, she would never let the sword get corrupted by evil or wielded for dark deeds.

The Oath was made and to be protected of all evil she would be sealed inside the sword in a palace, that would keep evil forever at bay.

Not moment to soon the sorceress and the castle were put in the sword and now the sword needed a name, so that neither human or good could destroy this mighty sword.

The name was chosen at dawn on first light of shining sun, blade will be called:”Daoris”- The sword of light.

As all the mages celebrated this victory and the creation of this sword, one young mage apprentice whispered to him self:”How would the guardian live for eras, in the wait for the one chosen, that should not be revealed?”

This whispered was heard like a thum in that great hall, silencing the whole room with just this one question.

The silence was becoming unbearable, and after a while an old mage from the back of the room stood forward.

He was walking slowly his years have talken there toll on him but his power was not in his muscles but in his mind and with just one word he transformed him self into a much younger mage that said the following:

“My power is my mind and my words are my weapons, the guardian of the sword will remain immortal, as long she would remain in the castle”.

Without any more words he used his magic to enchant the castle walls with his ancient spells.

The other mages ask all like they were in a group: “What will happen to the guardian of the sword, if she will leave this castle?”

But the mage disappear in thin air before the other could finish there question.

So no one knows what destiny will await the guardian of the sword.


Credit:redrakiton125 - story

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