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Realistic Water Two Causing Random Lag


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ever since I installed RWT my game starts lagging randomly. When in disable or uninstall RWT it's fine so I'm pretty sure it's caused by RWT. Most of the time i start lagging near Water (entrance to Whiterun, upon entering Riften) but sometimes there's no water at all. I also suspect Enhanced Lights & FX to cause problems with RWT since it's even worse with both activated. Has anyone experienced the same issue? Help would be appreciated.

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There aren't any compatibility issues between them if you load realistic water two after elfx (and about everything else). when something edits an object within the same worldspace rwt edits, it usually has an itm record for said worldspace, overwriting the water. i don't think it should cause lag though.


the only conflict i have with realistic water two that can't be solved by changing the load order is enhanced lighting for enb.

Edited by ymf331
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