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is it me or does skyrim suck big time


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-"so long farewell..." have fun trying to find another game with this much choice to play and keep you entrained over the holidays and until the next Elder Scrolls come out.


- also it doesn't help when formulating you opinion on a game if you are going to be biased before you even start playing. You'll get so much more enjoyment and satisfaction out of a game once you stop comparing it to x, y, and z. and enjoy it for what it is. Food for thought.

Edited by modder3434
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Only unblancing problems if old Elder Scrolls features are modded back into Skyrim, since the game world wasn't designed with them in mind. So I'm not counting on mods to "fix" Skyrim into the game I would like to have seen released. I still think it's a fun game though, even if it leaves a few things to be desired.
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Yes it is you, simply because of your taste, since some other people enjoy it skyrim can't completely suck

Skyrim has its flaws, its mayor mayor flaws(whoever decided that PC gamers don't need a new UI: Die in a fire!), but it's still really good (in my eyes).


Beside your complain about the melee and casting I can't really agree though.


The NPCs are halfway varied it wouldn't be realistical for everyone to wear completely different clothes but there is still enough variety in my eyes, the constant babbling(arrow in the knee etc.) can be annoying, but listening to it I find it much more pleasing then the random sentences the Oblivion NPCs were saying to one another.


Markarath, Solitude, Riften, Whiterun even Windhelm to some extend ... each one looks and feel different to me. The small villages are a bit forgetable though.


The weapons, you forgot elven, I think there were nordic weapons/armors too and something with the Skyforge I think(don't know if that was nordic stuff or something different). If you also count the daedric artifacts and the dozens of different enchantments you can find on those weapons you come to quite a number. If you start looking at the armor you also have scaled armor as well as imperial one, the stormcloak stuff, 3 thieves outfits 1 db outfit, the mages guild stuff etc. Could it be more? Yes, especially since often the enchantments you find are useless for you but I think the variety isn't horrible.


@Crafting is only for MMORPG:

One of the most wanted (at least for me) features next to dual wield was crafting. I installed every mod I could find that dealt with crafting or anything remotely related to it. And every Char of mine was an Alchemist. Why? Because it gave me something to do beside mindlessly killing stuff or running from a to b.


But to each his own, if you prefere Oblivion then more power to you, play it and come back in about 1-2 years, try out the mods that are out by that point and then you can make a fair comparison between Skyrim and Oblivion. Because in my opinion many people make the comparison between the modded Oblivion and unmodded Skyrim which simply isn't a fair comparison.


But if you really prefere the unmodded vanilla Oblivion over Skyrim well everyone has his opinion, there are people prefering Morrowind over Skyrim or Daggerfall(If the control didn't feel so unnatural to me I might actually prefere that over Skyrim) over Morrowind, everyone has his own taste.

Edited by Roltak
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Skyrim has so much depth.


Quote not taken from a specific person, but I am noticing this is a reoccurring statement from a lot of people.


I just wanna throw in my 2 cents in here. I know its going to be a rather unpopular 2 cents, but I feel rather strongly about this.


Skyrim is shallow as hell. Don't get me wrong, I did have fun playing it, but the entire game boiled down to, "Go fetch this and/or go kill that." The ONLY part of the game I actually said, "Oh, wow this is cool." is the Siege of Whiterun, but at the same time I realized it wasn't as cool as it could have been is because there were only ever 3 enemy NPCs on the screen at any given time. I realize that was the case because of resources, but honestly they should have instancized that part so they could have added more.


Skyrim had way less spells than any of its predecessors. Large chunks of the game just felt unfinished or missing. Puzzles were so simple that a trained monkey could do them. Literally. The answers were right there on the wall above the switch. All of the quest chains were incredibly short, very simple, and ended very abruptly. *Psijic guy warps in* Oh hey thanks for doing that thing for us that we totally could have handled ourselves. BTW you're Archmage now and we'll be taking this. *warps out* *Me standing there looking confused* All the quest lines pretty much ended like that. The game world is actually smaller than that of Morrowinds world, WITHOUT the expansions. All of the dungeons were linear hallways were you could only go one way. No branching off or finding alternate paths or methods to complete them.


I will say the game was big, but certainly not "deep".


/flame on!


EDIT: Oh, and the UI. Horrible, HORRIBLE travesty that is the UI.

Edited by Kravick
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First things first. I have Oblivion and it was one of my favorite games of all time. I actually thought combat was ok in vanilla Oblivion, at least the core mechanics were ok. And the mods like Oscuro Oblivion overhaul and Deadly reflex made the combat in Oblivion the best of any game I have ever played. However, Skyrim has completely changed combat, and not for the better in my opinion. I just got this game and I'm already disappointed. From the little I have seen, the content, quest system, world, etc are fine, but combat and favorite/hotkey system are game-breakers for me. It seems as though they tried to take some of the ideas from the aforementioned mods and incorporate them into the new game which is great but they failed in the execution in my opinion. Duel wielding is cool, and I am even ok with having to have a spell in one hand, though that is not preferable to me. But the fact that there is no parry or block for either of those two options is absurd. It completely kills the combat for me. It kills the immersion for me. Standing there and taking constant axe blows to the head while wielding magic and a one handed weapon or duel weapons while spamming attack or power attack is not my idea of melee combat. It would be one thing if they implemented a dodge system that worked frequently but it doesn't even with the light armor perk. Sorry but medieval armor, even plate armor, was no substitute for a shield. If you got a direct blow from a polearm, claymore, or mace to your body, armor or not, you were in serious trouble. So basically, this limits me to a direct melee character who almost never uses magic, a stealth character, or a ranged mage. Three classes. Unlike Oblivion where you could combine disciplines, eg spellsword, there seems to be very limited realistic magic/melee options.


And yes I am fully aware that you can easily beat the game while wielding a spell and one handed weapon or duel wielding two one handed weapons. That's not the point. The point is that they have eliminated the flexibility of the combat classes of Oblivion. And yes I am aware that you can switch from spells to shield during combat. However, even in the first combat encounter I realized how much of a pain it is to unequip a spell using the favorite system. Having to pause combat to either go into the inventory or into the favorite menu every time I want to unequip a spell kills the combat for me. The hotkey system is broken, due the fact you cannot unequip a spell. Maybe I was spoiled by Oblivion but to me, Skyrim's combat system is a game breaker. All I can hope is that someone will come out with an overhaul mod like deadly reflex for oblivion. Until then I think Skyrim is shelved for me.

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to OP: it's you, skyrim was good in vanilla (just some low res stuff, but w/e), and modders are just improving it!

not enough weapons choise ? look at these




graphic improvements ? go look on the mod page couse there are so many that i'd run out of space here (lots of same type retextures, different looks)


same for everything else.


but then again, you probably didn't even know there IS a mod page filled with mods as you don't play the game....

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I agree with the OP...although not to the extent that I won't wait for some mods to fix immersion, gameplay and difficulty. I do kind of doubt that skyrim will get the mod support Oblivion received because I envision a lot of modders will look at the game and think...jeez...overhaul this so I can overhaul the overhaul...


It's that bad.


I had a thought the other day about this actually...why doesn't bethesda just implement a really integrated difficulty system that does more than just make combat more (a tiny bit more, anyway) difficult? How hard could that be. Give the dumbed-down version to the majority market segment--I get that, I really do--and have an in-game difficulty slider that actually does something to fix some of the OP's concerns. Heck, most people I know here played Oblviion so much they literally bought the game multiple times...with this release they're like, yawnzors, after a week. Really, let the serious players have more immersion, choice and apply more than just the point-and-click aptitude necessary to play this game they've just released.


Things were great in Morrowind, superb in oblivion, getting shabby in fallout and now...jeez...If I play Skyrim too long I feel like my IQ is dropping...


I'm passing on getting excited for the next release until I've actually seen in action. Can't trust bethesda anymore :(

Edited by Bulvine
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@ OP You should play it and then you can judge it properly.


It doesn't suck, it has sooo many good points and is enjoyable to play. I do have many critisms of the game though and I must admit I think Oblivion is a better game. Skyrim isn't a waste of money though I am really enjoying it, just disapointed they got some major things wrong.



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