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is it me or does skyrim suck big time


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You haven't even played the game yourself, "superp11mp". It's you, and you're a moron for even bothering with your long and stupid post about a game you've NEVER PLAYED.


Could you please lean in so I can bop you in your nose?



i have 260 hours played and my saves are at 9** lol stfu

Your saves are at "9**"? What were you trying to type there. And you never made it sound like you played, you left yourself pretty open there. Not once did your post really make it sound like you did any more than watch your mutually whiney friend play.

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It really is just you. There's more equipment than in Oblivion, and more weapons, and much more npc personality. The towns in Skyrim are more unique as well. You have Oblivion built up on a pedestal in your head, but it's not even close to as good as Skyrim vanilla.



ok lol i didnt meant to give you the impression im saying oblivion is better then skyrim today but when oblivion came out i was still playing morrowing and it felt like woohoo upgrade baby, but from oblivion to skyrim ... i feel restricted... i wana hop on water (athletics rogue skills were bad ass) (or walk on water o.O) i want the option to design my own spells and item enchantments ( all vanila options) i want the freedom of oblivion PLUS more in skyrim vanila


i feel blacksmith/alchemy/enchanting are MMORPG skills not solo RPG skills ... NOBODY LIKES GRINDING are you kidding me take away unique skills and replace em by mainstream ones ... thank god for modding!!!!


However to all who are gonna troll me and say "you can mod this game you a**hole!!!" i repeat a mod is only fun if it adds something cool to a game not when it fixes the damn thing!!


peace out

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You haven't even played the game yourself, "superp11mp". It's you, and you're a moron for even bothering with your long and stupid post about a game you've NEVER PLAYED.


Could you please lean in so I can bop you in your nose?



i have 260 hours played and my saves are at 9** lol stfu

Your saves are at "9**"? What were you trying to type there. And you never made it sound like you played, you left yourself pretty open there. Not once did your post really make it sound like you did any more than watch your mutually whiney friend play.



nine hundred something something.


im sorry if im not clear, english is not my first language, im french and i learned english on tv and on the internet playing games.

This might not look like much but im trying to make clear and understandable sentences sorry if im still unclear o.O XD !


P.S: my friend actualy doesnt agree with me he likes skyrim lol XD and he doesnt mod at all... 0

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FYI: You actually don't have to "grind" the Smithing Skill if you don't want to. No one is forcing you to grind anything. I'm on my third character now and have barely even touched the Smithing or Enchanting stuff and I get along fine. I can accept from the numerous reports that the Smithing skill can use some tweaking, but honestly, no one is forcing anyone to go all Obsessive compulsive with iron daggers. If you enjoy that sort of thing, for for it. If not, leave it alone. Edited by CalibanX
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I would agree with Brittainy that it depends on your tastes in games. For myself I want more emphasis in role playing aspect than what was delivered in Skyrim. Skyrim is all looks and short on substance. To make excuses by saying modders can and will fix all the flaws is really pointing the onus in the wrong direction.


I also would want a bit more attention paid to interface and control features. Take for example the 8 hot keys. Sitting here looking at my keyboard I count ten number keys. What's wrong with using 9 and 0? And that's not to mention the function keys F1 - F12. Oh and I see a shift key. Using the shift key would take that to F24. Why, we could easily had up to 34 hotkeys if only someone at Bethesda had put in just a little effort. Makes me wonder if they even bothered to look at a keyboard.


Why should it be left to mods to bring up a game to the level it should have been on day of release. It is just sloppy, lazy, cheap or whatever you want to call it production from Bethesda.






... its like if the people who play and test these games didnt go up and say :


ehhh... yo this pressing Q all day is breaking my immersion you know...


the game feels like its incomplete like heres another not very imersive consept, your a vampire and the only way you can drink is if someone is sleeping... you cant catch someone and bite him thats a nono, you cant put some blood in a jar thats to hard ( could be sold at dark brotherhood, way to complex) a dead body is way to grossly complicated to program compared to a sleeping persone, you know what ok no prob i can deal with that.


to make i dont know how many identical forts and caves and blah blah blah but you cant make 1 place( fort, cave, clan, 2 guy in the jungle holding their prick waiting to say hi what ever) for a lvl 4 vampire to go and still have faction ... right ...



hmm nice its ok ill go swing a deadra model sword in the face of a bandit chief wearing the same, mandatory for his rank of course, steel armor XD

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You haven't played the game.


If you like a humongous variety of items and spells, you may be disappointed.


If you like immersion and realism, you will like it when you play it. Seriously. If you look in history, iron swords tend to look all the same. Not exactly, but they have the same basic look. Spells in the game have limitations, doesn't it make sense? You can't just make a zombie stay with you forever; it has to take some work to reach that level of mastery. The townsfolk are all quite varied, and some have very unique personalities. Many of them have quests for you that deal with their backgrounds.


Cities may seem the same on the surface, but the same goes for any city in our world. They all have their perks.


I found Morrowind to be very immersive, and while I feel that Morrowind did better in terms of content, Skyrim has come a long way in how things work in the games, making things nicer to use, having full voice acting, and overall making the gameplay run smoother and be more immersive. Personally, Oblivion was good, but it felt like a very flat game. Skyrim is a very rich game, and you're not giving it half a chance.



you know your absolutely right about all you say ... graphically and all that, but if like me and your computer sucks ass and you play on minimum till you get a new pc upgrade all your left with is content and the content in this game is s*** lol ( well at least thats my opinion im not saying your an idiot for disagreeing, if you do, but honestly that's my opinion)

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You should only feed trolls with arrows. I recommend using a bow. :pirate:



how am i trolling?


im making a general thread on a general skyrim discussion forum of witch i am a member of...

if you haven't seen me post yet its cuz i haven't i really, only made this account so i could endorse mods i really liked!!!

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I like Skyrim over Oblivion in that is is more realistic in its limitations.


Oblivion was like "Oh boy, a Fantasy Adventure story! Fiery demons, elves and magic! Gotta save the kingdom and all that rot! Better grab this shiny armor and this huge sword yay!"


Skyrim is like "You are the chosen one and have to kill dragons. You are covered in dirt and have a beard. Your magic won't kill everything. The cities are not metropolises. Not everyone is pretty.You might get decapitated. Lots of things will be stronger than you. Better find a good hiding place before you initiate an attack and always have an escape route. Oh, and don't forget your sword, milk drinker."


Everyone has their own opinions - that's just mine. :3 I love the game, but not everyone will. I don't think there will ever be one game that everyone loves...

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didn't read the entire thing, just another pointless rant. are you trying to change my opinion? you can't do that through a forum, sorry. Are you trying to make me mad? If you want a debate, talk to your freind.



you should have read the whole thing, because i point out im not trying to change your opinion but asking you about it o.O!!

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