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is it me or does skyrim suck big time


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Things were great in Morrowind, superb in oblivion

Ad both these games are still here!

Go play them, and get out of here.


It really isn't that complicated

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to OP: it's you, skyrim was good in vanilla (just some low res stuff, but w/e), and modders are just improving it!

not enough weapons choise ? look at these




graphic improvements ? go look on the mod page couse there are so many that i'd run out of space here (lots of same type retextures, different looks)


same for everything else.


but then again, you probably didn't even know there IS a mod page filled with mods as you don't play the game....



lol kool mods btw XD


and lol i knew the mod scene would fix this game no matter what witch is why i just bought it when it came out, im just saying that every bandit i cross has a steel/iron sword and bethesda could have made more then one model for the commonly equipped by their npc's ...

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@ OP You should play it and then you can judge it properly.


It doesn't suck, it has sooo many good points and is enjoyable to play. I do have many critisms of the game though and I must admit I think Oblivion is a better game. Skyrim isn't a waste of money though I am really enjoying it, just disapointed they got some major things wrong.





i played 260 hours of it lol i tried it properly before stating an opinion on it XD

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OK Seriously, ive seen skyrim at a friends house in full detail on big screen and ill admit its beautiful... like amazingly beautiful but that's it. That's all the game has to offer, nothing else is any "good" in this game.


Lets take a look


1- NPC's ( ok im not even going to touch what they look like ) but like seriously is it me or does everyone wear the same crap and has the same things to say?


2- town -LOL right might as well give them all the same name since you find the same crap in every city you visit. ( im not talking visual or architectures, im saying they all feel like one another... generic).


2- items ( lmao common really ? you can have an iron/steel/orc/dwarven/glass/ebony and deadric, sword WOOOOOOW now that's variety worthy of a whole continent. In all of skyrim, all the people who make iron sword, they all use the same mold haha yeah way to go individualism.) no seriously compared to freaking fable skyrim seems like it has no items choice ...


3-classes- yeah yeah i know that garbage about no class blah blah blah their feeding the player community, but when i played oblivion i made a cloth wearing mage/rogue/assassin type hero while there was a class system. it was cool, i had millions of interesting clothing items to choose from to arrange the look i wanted and with the specific class system i could still make a hero who held a sword, could block with it and had a spell ready to cast...


In skyrim this is how it works :


equip sword/ start fight :

swing-block-q-equip armor spell-q- use left handed spell-q- unequipped left handed spell-q- block... are you f***ing kidding me? spells and attacks need different cast keys period. and that stupid q page gets soooooo loaded that at the end of the game its faster to tab+2 left click + select school + select spells witch is soooo long that if i can manage with out using a spell i will because changing what is in you hands is a chore in this game.


4- spells- like ok i get in a dungeon and i want to make a zombie, cool np ill find something and kill it, ok done now zombie is up lets find something to kill with my zombie ... now by the time i get to the next room its a pile of ash... ok cool np i get an endless zombie at lvl 100 conj nice so ill spam 60 sec zombies all game long till i get it at 100... wooohoo 200 hours of spamming summon zombie now lets make a thrall... ok this npc doesn't work .. and this one nope ... ok woohooo i found something to raise lets go to a dungeon to kill s*** with it ... on the way i see a saber cat , haha zombie get it ... zombie where are you ??? ohhh lol ok hes stuck on that rock trying to get abound the tree... nice ... very nice skill .ok restart hero and make something that doesn't depend on stupid crap npc's for damage (btw the ONLY cool summon spell is the dremora). ohhh and dont make a zombie while fighting if there are no weapons around cuz he will find one in your cell and run to it leaving you alone... also an nice AI feature ( why cant i just give him one god dammit)



ok now made an archer and well i realized npc's cant cross water ... or wont lol so i just jump from ledge to ledge shooting them while they run around trying to get me ... nice once again bethesda good job , probably took really long to program such good AI.


ok warrior time now , well lets put it this way got tired of looking at the same 5 swords after a few hours and got fed up (ohh and btw get muffle and you can sneak in heavy ... nice very useful wearing leather in this game... (btw is it me or is the 2h animation totally retarded?)


and do i need to talk about the sneak skill lol... 4 feet in front of an npc with muffle and 86 sneak he cant see me ... IM STANDING IN THE LIGHT FOR f*#@S SAKES GIVE THIS GUY GLASSES OR HIRE GUARDS WHO CAN SEE AT LEAST 4 FEET IN FRONT OF THEM.



now before you start with mods blah blah blah, let me tell you if i wanted to create my own game i would... i want to play a finished game that's why i go to the store and buy my games plus since so much is missing in the game that, with all the mods im adding i have to seriously be concerned about balance...

I love mods but i love a complete game when modding i don't wana feel like im fixing the game.



Im an big fan of morrowing and oblivion witch were great games but skyrim falls very short of my expectations...


end of rant lol




a disgruntled player who is seriously considering whether or not i will buy more bethesda games in the futur...


Cool story bro.


You mad?


Don't like the game. Don't play it. End of story.

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not just you, if skyrim couldn't be modded...it would die rather fast. i play a lot (and even stick with a few) mmo's. for complexity, and depth more than a few easily outshine skyrim. true skyrim has a vast world...but there isn't much in it. perhaps i've become somewhat spoiled, multitude of different mobs to fight, different strategies to employ, an intelligent or at least semi-intelligent AI in almost all mmo's. might not be fair to compare a standalone rpg to a mmorpg...but you would think the standalone would be better in all respects.


bethesda...resting on their laurels? relying on PR/hype to sell games? relying on modders to make skyrim a long term retail seller? are they just burnt out? only listening to the diehard bethesda can do no wrong fans? don't know. do know since skyrims release...i've spent more time up to this point playing vindictus, ddo, dcuo, and fw than i have skyrim. i try to believe the poeple that say it's so great, i d/l mods and add them...but every npc says the same thing, no one recognizes you for anything unless you're a criminal, you don't change anything, more bandits, forsworn, vampires and random necros than people in the cities...and the bugs, glitches, physics, just got harder to ignore.


it was great at first...when everything was new...got old fast though. it just screams laziness, retextured/rescaled animals, over-used humanoid models, they're everywhere. the aforementioned bandits, forsworn, necros and vampires oh my. good example of the laziness...they could reuse the skeleton and animations. dragons? nifty at first...until you realize they're as dumb as every other enemy, always follow the same pattern. snow? thought hat would be cool...no footprints and it falls through everything, besides it's abrupt starts and stops changing a few feet in elevation.


maybe i ought to make a topic and just finally list everything that's universal, related to the game engine, animation, physics and scripting. nothing that has to do with individual pc's like ctds, lockups or poor fps. that could be considered a troll topic i suppose, though how you troll with facts is beyond me. ah yes...truths no one wants to hear. :whistling:


tbh mainly here checking for mods and waiting for dcuo servers to come back up ^_^

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an intelligent or at least semi-intelligent AI in almost all mmo's

Ahaha....wait.. you are serious? They got the same AI as Skyrim got: Run to target, follow the closest path, no jumping. No AI there.


but you would think the standalone would be better in all respects.

Depends. Most MMO dies out rather fast. The only going strong is out very own, but also dying, World of Warcraft. These guys got multi trillions. Bethesda doesn't got enough money to do what they want, not int he timeframe they get.


I agree with you that Skyrim gets boring fast. I just struggle to see the comparison to MMOs -- Most MMOs dies out because they are just bad, and the ones still active swim in money.

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I kind of agree with you in some points, bethesda made the game look better than it actually is.But even though skyrim looks more like a massive oblivion DLC it´s still an a amazing game and it´s doing extremely well.I just can´t wait for the creation kit and start crafting "my" skyrim XD
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No many, MANY people think it sucks bigtime, including me. That's what we have mods for, to "have it our way" and take the handholding and other junk out of the vanilla game.
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Things were great in Morrowind, superb in oblivion

Ad both these games are still here!

Go play them, and get out of here.


It really isn't that complicated


Nice attitude.


You don't share their opinion, fine. I don't share the OPs opinion either. But is anyone force feeding you threads you don't like?

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