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Skyrim is crap


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Oh yes. People have the right to say it's all crap, fine. But just because I say I like it, I'm a silly fanboy (XD) who doesn't want to see blah blah. Well, I've been playing videogames since the old VIC20 days, so I can live with some flaws. If you can't, you should at least name the Perfect Game you played that didn't have any. Because I never found one, and would really want to give it a try. Sorry, but I think you're all taking it too seriously. It *IS* just a game after all.
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Thats the problem, you see us criticizing the game as negative, as whining (and im not talking about these people, shouting "skyrim sucks"), while i am just discussing my feelings of the game, but that dossent mean i hate it, reason for replying in this thread was elvinkun's post wich i found being exactly to how i feel about it.


Also if you are happy with something and you want to defend your opinion, why i cant defend my opinion of being unhappy, why i have to read everytime "you dont like it, go play something else"... i remember its usually these people not having problems with anything, that tell these lines and sending everyone to hell.


There is a difference in filling the forums with positive people, instead of fanboys who jump on anyone who voices his/her opinion.


Oh yes. People have the right to say it's all crap, fine. But just because I say I like it, I'm a silly fanboy (XD) who doesn't want to see blah blah. Well, I've been playing videogames since the old VIC20 days, so I can live with some flaws. If you can't, you should at least name the Perfect Game you played that didn't have any. Because I never found one, and would really want to give it a try. Sorry, but I think you're all taking it too seriously. It *IS* just a game after all.

Sorry you are also taking it too seriously, its just a discussion after all.

Edited by pavy
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why i cant defend my opinion of being unhappy

We got no problems in people being unhappy. But why do people feel they need to say it? There is very few topics saying "Skyrim is perfect!" compared to the one saying "Skyrim sucks!". That is because neither helps anything. However, even then: The positive one is more fun to read for everybody, and the other is either flamebait or simply negative.


If there is an issue that is unknown, we are all happy to hear. We are, however, not happy to read comments on how X game did Y better, or that X quest is bugged - which is known. I am more than happy to help somebody if they say "Hey guys. Uhm... I got a few bugged quests. Could you help me?", but I am not willing to be any helpfull to somebody going "OMG X quest bugged! Why?!", or "WHY ISNT THIS MORROWIND 2!!" or perhaps "X GAME DID ENCHANTING BETTER!".


My point being: Negative comments are never nice. If you don't like something, then it is fine. However, you got no reason to yell it out: At least not here. Go to the official forums and yell it out. We can not help, we will not help and negativity breaks more than they fix.


As I've said quite a while: I don't mind people not liking it. Heck, I don't mind people pointing out how bad some aspect is. I do, however, mind people comparing games, criticizing Bethesda for not making Morrowind 2, naming known bugs and glitches and generally not trying to do a thing themself.

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why i cant defend my opinion of being unhappy

We got no problems in people being unhappy. But why do people feel they need to say it? There is very few topics saying "Skyrim is perfect!" compared to the one saying "Skyrim sucks!". That is because neither helps anything. However, even then: The positive one is more fun to read for everybody, and the other is either flamebait or simply negative.

Becouse they care, they want it to be better...why are you positive people not making more topics, im asking myself the same...dont you care?

Why you spent your time trying to tell these who are unhappy to stop being that way, you could use it and make instead positive topics, even the unhappy would join you, becouse you would made them remember that there are also positive things.

If there is an issue that is unknown, we are all happy to hear. We are, however, not happy to read comments on how X game did Y better, or that X quest is bugged - which is known. I am more than happy to help somebody if they say "Hey guys. Uhm... I got a few bugged quests. Could you help me?", but I am not willing to be any helpfull to somebody going "OMG X quest bugged! Why?!", or "WHY ISNT THIS MORROWIND 2!!" or perhaps "X GAME DID ENCHANTING BETTER!".

I agree with this.

My point being: Negative comments are never nice. If you don't like something, then it is fine. However, you got no reason to yell it out: At least not here. Go to the official forums and yell it out. We can not help, we will not help and negativity breaks more than they fix.

Your opinion again...i dont see them as negative.

As I've said quite a while: I don't mind people not liking it. Heck, I don't mind people pointing out how bad some aspect is. I do, however, mind people comparing games, criticizing Bethesda for not making Morrowind 2, naming known bugs and glitches and generally not trying to do a thing themself.

And again many of us said we like the game, yet you still say we dont..again its your opinion.

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if skyrim is crap then don't play the game its just that simple go do something else with your life, as for me i love skyim it's one of the great rpg's iv'e played there's no other RPG out there that i know of that lets you explore 99.9% of the landscape so cheers bethesda even if it has still a lot of bugs and steam is oh well nvm.
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Becouse they care, they want it to be better...why are you positive people not making more topics, im asking myself the same...dont you care?

Why you spent your time trying to tell these who are unhappy to stop being that way, you could use it and make instead positive topics, even the unhappy would join you, becouse you would made them remember that there are also positive things.


We don't need to make more topics. There are more pressing matters than "SKyrim sucks because *insert random opinion*" or "SKyrim ROCKS!!". We don't post, because we don't need to.

It is really not my job to make people smile. If somebody got something to say against Skyrim, I will check it out. Good or bad, I will check it out. If the argument is closer to flamebait than anything, I might just bite.

As Ive said before, I really do not care if people love or hate the game. I simply care how it is being expressed. A game is not for everybody -- we all know that.


Your opinion again...i dont see them as negative.

My opinion that negative posts are.. negative?

My opinion that we can not help?


What opinion? Negativity is negative no matter what, and that is a fact. And you claimed this was a core problem: We can not fix the core of a game. We can alter it slightly, but that is beside the point. None of my 2 points were opinions, but facts.

It is a fact negativity is never awesome. It is my opinion that I hate Morrowind fanboys. Quite the different in the 2, even though they can be mixed fast.


And again many of us said we like the game, yet you still say we dont..again its your opinion.

Reread the first few words I wrote: I don't care what you guys think about the game. Like it? Good. Hate it? sure. Find it OK? nice. Is that point very hard to get?

I've said countless time: Your opinion is yours - I don't care. We all got opinions about the game. However, posting anything that is not usefull -- THAT I care about. If you want change, try to change it -- Don't expect everybody else too.


This is The Nexus, not the official forums. If you want the developers attention, you go there. Here you get gamers and modders to chat with, not developers. We can do as much as you.


I suggest you flush out what you see as an "opinion". Because the only opinion I got so far is: I like Skyrim. I don't care if you do. I care how you say it.


No need to go on rage-rampage.

It is rarely a rage-rampage. Unless there is caps and swearing involved. However, not every post is serious if it lacks smileys. I could add a few ":D" and people would take it easier: But I see no reason in it.

Some discussion gets on a high level, but that's natural: It's how it happens when you discuss something in real life as well. When 2 people disagree, but both want their point to get over clearly. In real life some might start to shout, but here it rather turns into serious posts -- well, somewhat serious.

In either scenario, it is never offensive or hostile.




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Becouse they care, they want it to be better...why are you positive people not making more topics, im asking myself the same...dont you care?

Why you spent your time trying to tell these who are unhappy to stop being that way, you could use it and make instead positive topics, even the unhappy would join you, becouse you would made them remember that there are also positive things.


We don't need to make more topics. There are more pressing matters than "SKyrim sucks because *insert random opinion*" or "SKyrim ROCKS!!". We don't post, because we don't need to.

It is really not my job to make people smile. If somebody got something to say against Skyrim, I will check it out. Good or bad, I will check it out. If the argument is closer to flamebait than anything, I might just bite.

As Ive said before, I really do not care if people love or hate the game. I simply care how it is being expressed. A game is not for everybody -- we all know that.


You dont need to?..what pressing matters, in one way you are talking as you arent interested in anything and then you come up with "make solutions"..i practicaly gave you a solution...make more positive threads....right you have other pressing matters, though im wondering why you post here in this useless topic.


Your opinion again...i dont see them as negative.

My opinion that negative posts are.. negative?

My opinion that we can not help?

What opinion? Negativity is negative no matter what, and that is a fact. And you claimed this was a core problem: We can not fix the core of a game. We can alter it slightly, but that is beside the point. None of my 2 points were opinions, but facts.

It is a fact negativity is never awesome. It is my opinion that I hate Morrowind fanboys. Quite the different in the 2, even though they can be mixed fast.

Again im talking about critique here, you know critique, not the "skyrim sucks" line.


And again many of us said we like the game, yet you still say we dont..again its your opinion.

Reread the first few words I wrote: I don't care what you guys think about the game. Like it? Good. Hate it? sure. Find it OK? nice. Is that point very hard to get?

I've said countless time: Your opinion is yours - I don't care. We all got opinions about the game. However, posting anything that is not usefull -- THAT I care about. If you want change, try to change it -- Don't expect everybody else too.


Im not changing anything, im having a discussion.


This is The Nexus, not the official forums. If you want the developers attention, you go there. Here you get gamers and modders to chat with, not developers. We can do as much as you.


Yeah thats what we are doing, chatting, discussing things...how comes its so hard to understand?

Anything posted at the oficial forums about bugs and critique gets usually closed, thats pretty obvious if you were there.

Also i dont remember nexus being here only for certain types of discussions.

I suggest you flush out what you see as an "opinion". Because the only opinion I got so far is: I like Skyrim. I don't care if you do. I care how you say it.

Everything is an opinion when you express it, even not having an opinion means you have one, only if you stop thinking/talking/writting then you will be without opinion.



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Becouse they care, they want it to be better...why are you positive people not making more topics, im asking myself the same...dont you care?

Why you spent your time trying to tell these who are unhappy to stop being that way, you could use it and make instead positive topics, even the unhappy would join you, becouse you would made them remember that there are also positive things.


We don't need to make more topics. There are more pressing matters than "Skyrim sucks because *insert random opinion*" or "SKyrim ROCKS!!". We don't post, because we don't need to.

It is really not my job to make people smile. If somebody got something to say against Skyrim, I will check it out. Good or bad, I will check it out. If the argument is closer to flamebait than anything, I might just bite.

As Ive said before, I really do not care if people love or hate the game. I simply care how it is being expressed. A game is not for everybody -- we all know that.


This is my third post, with my first/second being a fix for the problem of followers not leveling. I usually do not post on the forums even though I check them often, but this is really starting to become silly.


A majority of the time when I come on there are a number of "Skyrim sucks" topic's, but what are the point of these topics? I've read everything that Matth85 has posted so far on this topic and I agree with every bit of it, why do people feel the need to post negative comments about something they don't like. Good for you for not enjoying the game and having an opinion (which you are deserved to have of course), but most of us really don't want to tred through huge number of these threads week by week, with a majority using reasons as it doesn't match up with a previous game (Morrowind etc.). If it doesn't why not go play that (game in question which is better) instead, we are going forward after all, so comparing something with something else not of this day and age is pointless. Leave the foums to posts that are actually useful, and not full of uneeded (pointless?) criticism which is bordering on flamebait to some.


It is not fanboyism as much as it is common sense. If you don't have something good to say, don't say it at all and risk ruining it for some people who are looking for more than negative/positive rambling. Isn't that being selfish?




An ending note/edit to make it fair, "Skyrim rocks" topic's are probably just as pointless, unless it brings in some useful discussion other than "it's good". But then again, how many of those topics are there clogging up these forums? (I expect someone will quote this and reply a lot......)

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Nexus is an open forum, so people are free to be endlessly negative and depressing if they want to. Personally, I go to the Nexus forums for info/help about specific bug/computer issues that people might have found fixes for, funny posts about the game and ideas about how to improve the game. Others will come here for their own reasons, it's the internet, it's not something that should be policed anyway.


I would only argue that, for those who do enjoy Skyrim, it's more rewarding to come to the Nexus and read threads that are fun and informative rather than ones that are excessively negative.


And for all of Skyrim's faults (many of which, I wager, will turn out to be temporary) I prefer to enjoy all of the things that the game did right. Which, I find too numerous to even count. We've all heard a million times about how Bethesda has streamlined the game for console use over pc. Well, they released this "streamlined" game for pc users and then gave them the ability/tools to change the game into whatever you want. What other game company does this? It's freaking awesome. Just look at what mods did for Oblivion. Bethesda put the bulk of their efforts into making Skyrim a HUGE, beautiful world, and then gave the keys to modders to change it however they wanted. Getting upset because you're "marriage" in Skyrim isn't as fulfilling as you hoped is silly to me. It's a video game. Once the modders get they're hands on the CK all kinds of things will be added to the game. I'm enjoying the game now and looking forward to the mods to come.

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