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Skyrim is crap


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Well I think Beth really made a masterpiece in Skyrim, just because they managed to please both Hardcore players and "weekends casual console" players. That is not an easy task and they deserve my respect for that.


Also, Ck isn't out and the possibilities to improve Skyrim are just amazing. So far Skyrim is the best Vanilla experience you can find in all TES games.

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You dont need to?..what pressing matters, in one way you are talking as you arent interested in anything and then you come up with "make solutions"..i practicaly gave you a solution...make more positive threads....right you have other pressing matters, though im wondering why you post here in this useless topic.



Stuff as, you know, fixing the thing people got problem with? People discussing solutions? People asking for help? Anything, really.

I never asked for a solution. I merely pointed out what was needed, and now discussing with you about... well, I really am not sure anymore.


Again im talking about critique here, you know critique, not the "skyrim sucks" line.

Got no relevance to you claiming all I say is opinion. It got no relevance to anything: I see no differet in you saying "Skyrim is bad because X quest is bad." or you say "SKYRIM SUCKSS!!!". You have done just as much in either to help. We are not brainded. We know the game is not perfect, we know there are bugs, Bethesda even knows that. We really don't need it to be said every couple of houres.


Im not changing anything, im having a discussion.

If that is what you mean, then you should really stop branding everything opinions. You say you discuss, but the last few houres you have branded facts as opinion and seem to go i circle with me. I am happy to discuss all day long, but don't run circles. Have an opinion, have an argument, agree or disagree.



Yeah thats what we are doing, chatting, discussing things...how comes its so hard to understand?

THere are a different between spamming, chatting, discussing and whining.

Spamming is if one thing is said too much, for no reason. Chatting is talking to people for fun. Discussing is talking about a certain subject, and you aim for a conclusion with the other part either agreeing or disagreeing. Whining is just ... saying what you do not like, and not doing anything else.

Most of the topics that you call "discussion" is A) Spam - they are said a trillion times. and B) Whining. A few topics is simply "I HATE X AND I WILL NOT GIVE ANY REASONS WHY!".


Currently we are discussing. We got different opinions, and we aim for a final conclusion. Currently most topic start with whining. A few start with a good idea, but ends up worshiping Morrowind or Oblivion. Neither really tries to help out the problems as it is, just worshop what used to be.



Anything posted at the oficial forums about bugs and critique gets usually closed, thats pretty obvious if you were there.

Also i dont remember nexus being here only for certain types of discussions.


First sentence: Do you see the problem? The DEVELOPERS doesn't want to listen to it. Perhaps we/they allready know the things, and doesn't want more spam? ... Think about it for a second.

Second sentence: Of course it isn't. It is not illegal to talk about it. However, don't whine to me if I am in the topics, pointing out flaws and generally start a discussion -- like here.


Everything is an opinion when you express it, even not having an opinion means you have one, only if you stop thinking/talking/writting then you will be without opinion.

Eh, and opinion is, at its base, a personal view on a thing. It is not an opinion that the world is round. It is an opinion if I say that England is better than France. The different is huge.

Opinions can be seen as facts, but are different. You should really learn to see the different, as 95% of the times you point out "opinions" on me, it is nothing but facts and/or statements.


Let me grab a dictionary of the word:



a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty. - I.E no proof = no fact.



a personal view, attitude, or appraisal. -- Personal view on things.



the formal expression of a professional judgment: to ask for a second medical opinion. -- Ask a educated person about a second view on a thing. Like asking a doctor about his opinion before surgery.



Law . the formal statement by a judge or court of the reasoning and the principles of law used in reaching a decision of a case. - The opinion of the court decides if the person is guilty or not. This opinion is based on what is believed to be facts given throughout the court.



a judgment or estimate of a person or thing with respect to character, merit, etc.: to forfeit someone's good opinion. - Shouldn't need to explain it.





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The problem with these kind of threads is they typically go off track. Yes you should not say you hate the game because the developers worked hard on it. Yes there are bugs, like every game. More apparent perhaps because of Skyrims popularity and the sheer size of the game. If you don't like something theres no need to rant about it and convince everyone they should feel the same.


However there is nothing wrong with people also airing their opinion in a constructive way. Such as saying that "Conjuration is a poor perk tree because [insert Reason Here], what can we do to improve/fix it?" in regard to potential mod discussion. Being really negative for the sake of it achieves nothing.


However when people do try to address aspects of the game that they themselves feel need "reworking" they shouldn't be accused of being the bringer of doom and gloom and being some sort of anti-Skyrim troll. Everyone has a right to their opinion and everyone else has to respect that whether you agree with them or not as long as the discussion remains constructive and friendly.


Theres really too much of this Anti-Skyrim vs FanboySkyrim nonsense going on at the moment. Difference of opinion is all well and good but everyone needs to remember we're are all here because we like the game right? :)

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Nexus is an open forum, so people are free to be endlessly negative and depressing if they want to. Personally, I go to the Nexus forums for info/help about specific bug/computer issues that people might have found fixes for, funny posts about the game and ideas about how to improve the game. Others will come here for their own reasons, it's the internet, it's not something that should be policed anyway.


I would only argue that, for those who do enjoy Skyrim, it's more rewarding to come to the Nexus and read threads that are fun and informative rather than ones that are excessively negative.


And for all of Skyrim's faults (many of which, I wager, will turn out to be temporary) I prefer to enjoy all of the things that the game did right. Which, I find too numerous to even count. We've all heard a million times about how Bethesda has streamlined the game for console use over pc. Well, they released this "streamlined" game for pc users and then gave them the ability/tools to change the game into whatever you want. What other game company does this? It's freaking awesome. Just look at what mods did for Oblivion. Bethesda put the bulk of their efforts into making Skyrim a HUGE, beautiful world, and then gave the keys to modders to change it however they wanted. Getting upset because you're "marriage" in Skyrim isn't as fulfilling as you hoped is silly to me. It's a video game. Once the modders get they're hands on the CK all kinds of things will be added to the game. I'm enjoying the game now and looking forward to the mods to come.


I'm not talking about policing it, I don't think it would be possible or the right thing to do. I was just saying that people should be smarter (have more common sense) than ramble the same thing (they hate the game), in the same forum as many who enjoy the game, and in a huge number of similar topics. I wouldn't mind if we had a "Skyrim sucks" single topic, where people can say all the hate the want about the game with no reason. Also I don't mind constructive critism where people "Skyrim, sucks because of this, and can be improved by this (let's make a mod!)".


But saying Skyrim sucks because it isn't this game, or it sucks because of this while not giving any ideas/opinions how it could be better, in my view/opinion is spam and uneeded in large quantities (make a single topic already....). Also it is viewed as flame bait to some Skyrim fans, which lead to wars such as this.


Otherwise I agree with what you say! :biggrin:

Edited by iCal90
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I would offer you two games; The Witcher Enhanced Edition and Dragon Age - Origins. Both presented themselves as action/adventure games with limited RPG elements and they delivered the goods. Skyrim on the other hand was hyped as a heavy RPG game in the TES tradition and it failed in that respect. Whereas all three games look great and the stories are good that's were similarities end. Both Witcher Enhanced Edition and Dragon Age - Origins came out of the box in good playable condition. Both had wonderful intuitive GUIs. Skyrim on the other hand had a mandatory Day-1 patch and a second patch a few days later broke the game for many. Plus Skyrim's PC interface is a horrid example of how not to build a KB/Mouse interface. The comparisons can go on and on but whether or not you are willing to look through the fog and see the truth that Skyrim looks great but falls short on substance really depends on how deeply you bought into Bethesda's hype.



The Witcher was good, not good enough to hold me until the end. I got bored and stopped playing, no. 2 was not my cup o tea either. But certainly not a game or game series I would go to a board and talk bad about like people are with Skyrim. I can see the attraction and I got my money's worth (not like a TES game though). DA:O I already talked about, to recap, good but way to linear. In BG I could have a stronghold and I was not pigeonholed into a group and I could go many places whenever I wanted...and...well you get the picture.


But you said in the OP that BG and torment were too dated to consider. So take those two out one has to deal with what's left. If you don't want oan honest answer don't bother asking the question in the first place.

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Alright Matth, im not blind to good points, lets end it here as it gets really off topic and while i want to express what i have on mind it would take another several pages and it would be really just spam.

All i can say is, ignore is a good option, i do that a lot when i see similiar topics.

This was a good discussion, thanks. :thumbsup:

Edited by pavy
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Alright Math, im not blind to good points, lets end it here as it gets really off topic and while i want to express what i have on mind it would take another several pages and it would be really just spam.

All i can say is, ignore is a good option, i do that a lot when i see similiar topics.

This was a good discussion, thanks.

You are welcome!


As a note: Ignoring is not fun though. I got enough sparetime untill christmas to have fun on the forums! Need to spend my time before the CK somehow

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Alright Math, im not blind to good points, lets end it here as it gets really off topic and while i want to express what i have on mind it would take another several pages and it would be really just spam.

All i can say is, ignore is a good option, i do that a lot when i see similiar topics.

This was a good discussion, thanks.

You are welcome!


As a note: Ignoring is not fun though. I got enough sparetime untill christmas to have fun on the forums! Need to spend my time before the CK somehow

Ye the same with me, cant wait untill ck comes out...im dang bored.

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Pavy: I'm bored too. I just want to be able to build my own little house in Skyrim over the Xmas holiday. I have the location planned and everything. It's not much longer to wait at least but unfortunately patience isn't one of my virtues. I'll content myself with making some new 3d models until it arrives.
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Pavy: I'm bored too. I just want to be able to build my own little house in Skyrim over the Xmas holiday. I have the location planned and everything. It's not much longer to wait at least but unfortunately patience isn't one of my virtues. I'll content myself with making some new 3d models until it arrives.

Sounds great!


I should start to take some tutorials in 3d modelling...i actually did but im stuck with learning to draw...love it too much but i suck at it. :wallbash:

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