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Racemenu v345 Custom Race Hair and Eye Issue


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Hi All,


So I'm currently using "Racemenu v3-4-5" (most current version) with "Race Compatability with fixes v1.99" and the custom race "HBR OhmesRaht (Khajiit) Standalone".


The issue I am having is that while during the first character creation (new game), I can select a custom hair and eye. Upon saving and trying to edit the hair and eyes again they do not change at all. Even more bizarre is that the slider in racemenu shows values from 0 to -22494586, none of which change the hair or eyes. I can edit every single other part of the body/face/ect without issue.


Things I have tried:

-Using LOOT

-Changing race to a random race that works with hair and eyes and switching back

-Restarting the game

-Uninstalling and reinstalling all my mods

-Only installing racemenu, race compatability, ohmesraht, & apachii hair + abers eyes


I have scoured the forums for days and I have found one other person with this issue, but their problem was never solved.


Things I have not tried:

-Uninstalling racemenu & using ECE instead


It is so bizarre, the first time upon creating the custom race I can change the hair and eyes, but upon saving and trying to re-edit the hair and eyes does not work.


This problem has been plaguing me for days and I have tried everything, any help is MUCH appreciated. Thanks!

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i think this happens with races that overlay the head part list (like vampire races). i don't know if you can really fix it without breaking some aspect of the custom race like maybe the cat ears or something.


i also don't think using ece will fix it, since it has the same vampire problem i talked about.

Edited by ymf331
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Actually you can fix it an I just did, took me a long time to figure it out.


You have to add your custom race to several FormLists in CK. I knew human heads worked so I added my custom race to human heads - low and behold my hair and eyes work again.

Edited by Flubleah
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