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Should I update?


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Since I bought Skyrim I have been playing with Steam in offline mode and haven't installed any of the patches. This is because I had heard numerous bad things about the patches and indeed that they fixed few problems but created many more irritating ones. So now I am tempted what with the 4GB patch coming out recently but I am wondering whether it is either possible to just download this patch..? Or if the patches aren't nearly as bad as I've heard?
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Its entirely up to you at the end of the day. I made the mistake of updating once and it made my game a mess but thanks to Win 7 I reverted back to 1.01. I'm personally going to wait until January, when Beth hopefully bring out a few quest fixes and the CK comes out. With a bit of luck a lot of unofficial fixes will then start to roll out from the modders. Do what you think is best for you. :)
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After the 1.2 Patch debacle, I went into bunker mode and stayed offline. However, a friend of mine patched and was able to play the game afterwards, and so I gave it a try since eventually I'm going to have to anyway once Bethesda starts Patching bugs. I'm currently fully Patched and not having any problems. Other's have reported issues with it though. However, these patches are being used by millions of people. If 1% of those users had problems with the Patch and came here to report on it, it would look like a huge problem when your chances of a having a problem aren't statistically high. Yet, any time you download a Patch there's always going to be a chance that something in it won't work for your computer.
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When the CK finally comes out, most mods will be made using the patched version and may not work on unpatched games. If you want to try the patched version, make a backup of the TesV.exe and both ini files - put them outside of the Skyrim folder. Then allow the patch. If you don't like the result, you can copy the back up back into the folder and have it overwrite the patched version.


Either way, I would wait a few days to see how this patch does. There will always be a few who squawk that it doesn't work when it's their fault. Such as the ones who are already complaining that it broke their 4GB patch - when the new patch put it's own 4GB patch into the game and the older one is no longer needed and will cause problems when they try to install it on top of the new one. :rolleyes:

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I wouldnt patch. I still use 1.1 with no problems. I maybe forced to patch with newer mods int he future but I will wait and hope hope hope we get a community patch. other great thing about 1.1 is running from the exe = no steam. another hopeful perk of a future patch crack


needing steam to use the bloody CK is going to suck too. hopefully no patches to the Ck so we can fix that too.


2 reasons I dont update

1. I have no issues with 1.1 besides the quest bugs that are not fixed in any patches. I do not trust the patches either nor do I trust steam

2. I bought the game and dont want to use steam if I dont want to. I do not trust steam as I said. Offline mode still has net traffic. I am not interested in being advertised to after I already bought a game with steam.

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I patched Skyrim to 1.3.10 and it is running great on ultra settings. Have had no CTD's after hours of play. My game is running just the same as it was when I was running Skyrim with Skyrim 4GB. Since patching to 1.3.10 the Skyrim 4GB is no longer needed. I was hesitant on upgrading but am glad I went from version to 1.3.10. Again so far no problems except some broken quest issues which Beth is aware of but have not fixed yet.
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