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Nuclear winter


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The whole Nuclear Winter theory didn't come along until somewhat later than the cultural target era for the Fallout universe.


Plus it's unrealistic. Then again, so is the world being irradiated 200 years after the bombs stopped falling, people turning into ghouls, and super-strong mutants with quadruple helix genetic material.


C'est Le Vie.

Edited by Jeoshua
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The whole Nuclear Winter theory didn't come along until somewhat later than the cultural target era for the Fallout universe.

Plus it's unrealistic.

Actually it's pretty realistic - similar events have occurred historically. They just miscalculated the amount of ash released from the cities burning and the rate of ash fallout. Specifically they used ash release rates recorded from city fires, as would occur with older fission bombs, while attacks with newer fusion warheads would level city centers, greatly reducing the intensity of firestorms.


These miscalculations might have been somewhat intentional, since at that time global nuclear war was a very real possibility. The theory of nuclear winter helped convince world leaders that it's a really bad idea and the threat of communism or capitalism respectively isn't worth going to a war that, this time, won't have any winners and devastate both sides.


However, with the right kind of bombs, dropped the right way, and in the right amounts, a nuclear winter will happen. Not quite as long, but long enough for the entirety of third world to die out. First and second world nations have food stockpiles, the third world doesn't have enough food as it is.


That part is very important to Fallout universe. Should NATO, China and Russia go to a nuclear war today, in 100 years your descendants won't be roaming the barren wastes with a big iron on their hip, they will be writing school papers on the great accomplishments of Kim Jong-Un (worst-case scenario) or Bhumibol Adulyadej (best-case scenario).

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Kinda makes you think, in less than an hour, everything mankind has accomplished, learned, and fought for could be for nothing. I kind of hope that the US developed an alpha omega bomb just in case they don't end up being the victors like the movie "Beneath the planet of the ape’s movie". I rather have the earth be burned up into a cinder than let china win. After all "Better be dead than Red"...lol
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