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MO and NMM for different sets of mods?


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Hi. I tried to find the answer on Google, but most of the topics are just reviews of both Mod Managers. My question is: Is it possible to run NMM and MO at the same time and keep different mods on each one of these?


For example:


I'd like to use Racemenu+UNP+Fair Skin Complexion with NMM and ECE+CBBE+(Some other texture mod) on Mod Organizer... So if I did that wouldn't there be a conflict between different mods?


I used NMM for over a year, but I'm too scared to try and experiment by myself, because I like my mod setup the way it is now.

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It is possible but im not sure why anyone would want to do this.


I am guessing you are currently using NMM and want to add MO for a diff set of mods?


Doesnt NMM have a profile feature now? (i havent used it in about 2 years)


I would suggest switching to MO entirely and just using its profile feature. Allows diff mod setups for each profile.


Using both would likely cause issues.

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Yes NMM has profiles, but the way it's implemented there is much more intrusive than the way it's done in MO. With NMM, you are still installing everything in your Data folder, vs. the virtual folder scheme used in MO, so it's very difficult to have builds that are separate from one another.

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