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I Want to Hire a Crew to Mod and Support The Elder Scrolls 6


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If things go according to plan, when I have enough dough I will hire a few hungry developers to work full time modding The Elder Scrolls 6 and providing support for those mods, with the intent of making the most amazing immersive experience possible, but also something that people can ask questions about and get an answer from a paid professional. Mark my words...it's already in the works.

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Directly paying for mods is technically illegal and against the TOS unless Bethesda changes it & if so they will definitely want a cut.


Tipping/gifting mod authors however is always nice.



As for weather or not ES6 is already in the works. They have said fallout 4 was the last game they would be doing on that engine.


Weather this means they have to create a new one from scratch, have already done so or are simply going to slap a new coat of paint on the dead horse that is gambroyo we don't know.


Many of us hope they have already or will use a brand new engine however because when you compare it to other game engines it really shows its age in how it performs (both quality and memory/processing requirements) and in how its programmed (several other engines including free to use ones are much easier and more intuitive to work with)

Edited by zc123
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Nobody knows where the next TES game will take place, nor does anyone know when it take place. On top of all of that, nobody knows what the next engine is going to be like, and how that will affect modding. So in other words, this whole post is incredibly premature, there is no sense in rallying anyone together to sit on their hands and think about mods. It's like the companion "Vincent Vincent" being put in New Vegas as what was essentially a beta in preparation to put him in Fallout 4, long before we even knew what Fallout 4 was actually about. You want to know what happened? That mod will not be ported to Fallout 4 at all because of the voiced protagonist. There is no sense in planning ahead when it comes to modding because nobody knows what the future is going to bring. The mod could be impossible for all you know. Just saying.

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