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workshoppowerconnection keywork missing and a LOD question


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Hi guys...


1) I had an issue with a big mod of mine that i decided to scrap then today as i went into the mod with FO4edit to look at some scols i saw a "default object " entry and inside was a keyword (the one in the title ).

In the fallout 4esm it was there but next to it in the mod tab it wasnt so i figured i grab it and slide it over and add it to the mod ( i know its a newbie move but i had to try :tongue: )


Well in doing so some stuff ALLOWED me to connect again (previous post was that the "press space to attach wire" wasnt there ) .

Problem is that it isnt a 100% soltion since certain items are also missing the keyword like the radio beacon where i added it manually and the pylon etc...


The worst is that it effects ALL settlements as long as the mod is loaded.


2) this is for Chucksteel or whoever can answer.


I have a LOD terrain mesh in the corner of my new build where a hill used to be ..that wont go away.

I fixed this issue once on another mod with Chuck's advice but cant remember how i did it.


I tried going over the cell and right click/generate LOD etc.. http://prntscr.com/d5utpw


But its still there in game...(btw is it possible to SEE LOD's in CK ? so i know if i fixed it ?

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OMG!!! i think i fixed the workshop power issue...


I also found a folder in Fo4edit under my mod's header called "activators" and in there was basically a list of all the stuff that wouldnt connect (didnt have the option to) cause it was somehow added but NOT configured with any keywords hence any item in there had its power connection options removed globally in the whole game as long as the mod was loaded.

As soon as i removed the whole folder the mod and game were back to normal...


Now someone help me fix my other mod with the LOD issue..Please..

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I don't know if you can see LOD in the CKit, You couldn't in the FO3/NV GECK. I haven't generated LOD in FO4 yet so I am going off of what I know from previous games.


You need to,


  1. extract all LOD meshes from the meshes.ba2 and place them in the correct folders within your data folder
  2. extract all LOD textures (maintain the folder structures)
  3. Convert them to .tga format
  4. Place them in steam/steam apps/common/source/Textures TGA folder (The source folder is important and must be outside of your Fallout 4 folder.)
  5. Then you can generate the LOD for the cell.

If you get errors you have missed a mesh or TGA texture and need to figure out which one is the problem.


Properly generating LOD is complicated and frustrating. Also time consuming and a big pain but there is no easy fix and if you want the mod to work you have to do it.

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Re first line of ChuckSteel's post:

Whether you can see LOD or not in *this* creation kit is dictated by the CK preferences.


...kind of handy actually. =)


P.S. And yes, LOD in this creation is a pain, more so than before. One note to remember is to not save the .esp after generating it. Maybe even to exit fully and reload the ESP after generating it.

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  On 11/11/2016 at 10:13 PM, chucksteel said:

Forgot to say,ÃÃÂ


after LOD generation is completed you will then need to move the newly generated .dds files from the source folder to your games textures folder. (Well that's how it worked in FO3/NV at least.)ÃÃÂ

Still true.


I really want to say that there also needs to be the normals and specular done too with this CK...and I vaguely remember having to convert some *back* to dds from tga afterwards.

...but I should also probably stop talking until I can get home and look, before I say something really dumb/wrong.

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